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Linear Algebra

Selected topics in linear algebra:

My notes from Gilbert strang book on Linear algebra : Click Here

Linear Algebra in MATLAB : Download

Visualizations using Geogebra:

  1. Equation of plane spanned by vector u=(-1,2,3), v=(5,3,-1).

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Fundamental Spaces in Linear Algebra

In a nutshell

if A is m x n

Column space (R^m): y =Ax, . Vector spanned by linear combination of A. In other words, A transforms a point from R^n to R^m. It is also called as range of A. Therefor, it is a subspace of R^m. If all the points in R^n is mapped to all the points in R^m then the transform is bijective and subspace is the whole space.

Row space (R^n) : Vector spanned by transpose of A, weight for each column of A' comes from x in R^m. In other words, A' takes point from R^m to R^n. It is a subspace of R^n

Null space (kernel): All points x in R^n such that takes y = Ax = 0. It is a subspace of R^n. If x=0 is the only point, then A is consistent and have an Inverse. If there are more than one independent vector in R^n that maps to 0 in R^m then span of that vectors forms a subspace in R^n.

Left Null space : All points in R^m that takes A'x = 0. It is a subspace of R^m

(left) Null space is orthogonal to (row) column space.

Recall the consequences if m=n and rank (dim)=n.

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Thoughts from the Mathematical books I have red

Book : The World of Mathematics by NewMan

    1. " Higher Mathematics is of no more use in grocery trade than the grocery trade is in the navigation of ship"

    2. Newton often forgot to take his foods when he was engaged in his discoveries. Intelectual needs overrides bodily needs

    3. When we wish to bring to the knoweledge of a person about any phenomena or process of nature we have two methods: Either let him observe and reinvent the wheel or describe the phenomena in someway that is comprehensible.