The Little Prince

Mirror Glazed Cake


Most Layers:

  • 150g Digestive Biscuits

  • 50g butter, melted

  • 250g blueberries

  • 112.5g golden caster sugar

  • 250g quark

  • 142ml carton double cream

  • 142ml carton soured cream

  • 2 tsp powdered gelatine

Clear Rosewater Layer:

  • 1 cup water, divided

  • 3 teaspoons gelatine powder

  • 3 tablespoons sugar

  • 1 teaspoon rose water


1: Heat oven to 180°C and line the base of a 23cm springform cake tin with baking parchment.

Crush the biscuits to fine crumbs in a blender or food processor, tip into a bowl and mix in the melted butter.

Press the crumbs in an even layer over the base of the tin, then bake for 10 mins until lightly browned and crisp on top. Remove and cool.

2: Put one third of the blueberries into a pan with 3 tbsp water, 175g of the sugar.

Cook for 2 mins or until the berries just start to burst. Set aside and cool.

Strain the juice into a small pan, set aside, and reserve the cooked berries.

3: Make the filling. both creams with the remaining sugar until smooth.

Sprinkle the gelatine over 3 tbsp cold water in a cup, leave until it looks spongy, then dissolve until clear, either in a microwave on defrost, or by standing the cup in a pan of water over a low heat.

Beat a little of the creamy mixture with the gelatine then pour into the rest of the mixture, beating well to incorporate.

4:Take the cooled, cooked berries and fold lightly into the creamy mixture to create a ripple effect.

Spoon onto the biscuit base and chill for at least 4 hours, or until set.

5: Meanwhile, cook the reserved juice for 2-3 mins until slightly syrupy.

Stir in the remaining uncooked berries and leave to cool. When set, carefully remove the cake and slide onto a plate. Spoon the syrupy berries on top.

6: Bring water to a boil and add either rose tea or edible leaves to brew, leave and stir sometimes for around 5 minuets, take it off the heat and leave to cool.

Then add a tablespoon of gelatine into cold water, wait for it to react then add into the rose water.

7: Put all the ingredients in whatever order in a mould(we had the biscuits layer on the bottom, the mousse, then the jelly layer) then leave it in the freezer at least overnight.

Then remove from mould, glaze with the glaze via your preferred method and complete!

History of Mirror Glazed Cakes:

The cake first originated in Russia by a baker named Olga Noskova, her invention took the internet by storm. The cake is meant to create an effect of looking like it is made out of glass.

However, for the last four decades, chefs used glossy glazes on entremets, although it was not on "mainstream birthday cakes or round cakes".
