Session I - The WHO and WHY of OER (OER 101)
Presenter: Kathy Essmiller (Oklahoma State University)
The following resources discuss Oklahoma-focused and globally-focused strategies for OER. View the session to uncover the basics of OER.
Session II - The HOW of OER (Escape the Creative Commons Haunted Mansion)
Presenter: Jennifer Hulsey-Campbell (Tulsa Community College)
Moderator: Jamie Holmes (Tulsa Community College)
View or download the activity workbook associated with the session and watch the recording to follow along!
Session III - The WHERE of OER (Pressbooks Demonstration)
Presenters: Kathy Essmiller (Oklahoma State University) and Jamie Holmes (Tulsa Community College)
If your institution is part of the Online Consortium of Oklahoma, you are eligible to get a free demo account in our Pressbooks platform called OPEN OCO.
If you request an account and use your .edu address, you will be added to a "sandbox" book where you can test the system and see other things done by your peers.
H5P - Build Free Embeddable Interactive Learning Objects
Session IV - Breakout Discussion Resources
Google Jamboard Collection
These Jamboards were created during the live sessions and have been provided to you as a PDF resource from each of the discipline area breakouts that took place.
Creat your own Jamboards by visiting!
Appendix A - Mindfulness Activities
A1. "Loving Kindness Meditation"
This activity was facilitated during the summit by Marla Lobley from East Central University. Visit the UCLA Guided Health Meditations page for more activities of this type to use during your own classes or events. You can even find them available in audio format if you want to use them on your own.
A2. "Just Like Me" Meditation
This activity was facilitated during the summit by Brad Griffith from the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. Because this event occurred so close to election day, the focus was modified to ask participants to picture themselves in the early voting line, not knowing the individuals standing in front of or behind them waiting to cast their vote.
Appendix B - Other Resources
B3. Other Links Shared in Chat During Live Meetings
Library Collection Development Policy (East Central University)
Professor Penelope Pincher & the Search for Affordable Content (Indiana University)
OER CHAMPION Credential Quiz
Once you have watched the first two session videos and have an understanding of OER basics and purpose of Creative Commons Licensing, you may complete a brief quiz to assess your knowledge and gain a digital badge to represent your competency.
If you have trouble accessing the embedded quiz below, you may also open it in a new tab:
Complete the quiz to earn your OCO-verified digital badge!
All content on this page licensed CC BY-NC license unless otherwise stated by the external resource.