Our Mission

The mission statement for the Onawa United Methodist Church:

To keep the Lord's work alive by worship, fellowship, and caring for each other;

witness to and welcoming all people; meeting the needs of children and families;

and providing pastoral services to the community beyond our congregation.

To make disciples for Jesus Christ by sharing the experience of God's Kingdom on earth. 

Community Outreach / Missions

Blanket Sunday

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Donations will be collected through the end of October. 

West Central Food Pantry

Canned and dry goods collection

November - December

West Central 

Adopt a Family - Christmas donations

United Women in Faith (formerly United Methodist Women)  

As it fosters spiritual growth and develops leaders, United Women in Faith seeks to improve the lives of women, children and youth in the United States and internationally. 

United Women in Faith advocates on peace and justice, economic inequality, education, the rights of children, human rights and farm workers' rights. We support our work with a scriptural basis and adheres to the denominational mandates in The Book of Discipline and The Book of Resolutions.

November - December

Collections of canned and dry food will be gathered at the back of the Sanctuary,   

If you would like to donate and need donations picked up locally, please call the church office (712) 423-1115. 

Two large families West Central  have been adopted for Christmas gifts. 

 Two large families with children up to eighteen years old will be the recipients this year. 

The gifts need to be wrapped, slips with the age and requested gift will be on a Christmas tree in the back of the Sanctuary.

Mission Outreach of the Onawa United Methodist Church. 

Backpacks for Students

Friday, July 29th 48 backpacks filled with school supplies were ready to be given out for kindergarten and 1st - 5th grade students.  

A special thanks to volunteers (L-R) Peggy Kunkel, Trudy Cline, Janice Keller, and others that donated or helped in other ways.