Irving Pertzsch Kindergarten

Welcome to our Kindergarten page! We're excited your're here!

This Page Updated 10/21/21

Mrs. Lang

Ms. Korson

Ms. Carson

Hello Kindergarten Families!

Welcome to our Kindergarten resource site. We hope this will make at-home learning even easier with everything being on one page.

On this main page, you will find a copy of our weekly schedule, any important updates specific to kindergarten, as well as expectations for zoom meetings.

Click on your homeroom teacher's tab for specific information about your class and updates from your teacher. You will also find links to login to the different technology resources we will be using during online learning, including Seesaw, RazPlus, ThinkCentral, and Zoom.

As always, please let us know if you have any questions. We are in this together :)

Ms. Korson, Ms. Carson, & Mrs. Lang

Kindergarten Virtual Schedule