
Online Learning environment expectations

While on Zoom calls

  1. Come prepared to Zoom meetings just as you would come prepared to class.

  2. Use your first and last name when entering a Zoom meeting.

  3. Mute your device when entering the online classroom.

  4. Raise your hand to contribute.

  5. Face the screen during meetings. This shows you are paying attention and listening.

  6. Be on time to all Zoom meetings.

  7. Use the chat box to ask questions.

Note: If you are removed from the Zoom meeting, you will not be allowed back in during that session. A note will be made in your record and your parent will be contacted. While you are offline, you must write a reflection that explains what the issue was to lead up to your removal and a plan to prevent that from happening again. Your reflection must be emailed through School Loop by the end of the class period and you will be responsible for completing any missed work before the next class session.

Google Classroom and Online Platforms

  1. Be respectful

  2. Be aware of your language and punctuation. (All caps indicates yelling)

  3. Use formal language. This is your classroom and you should speak online the same way you would in person. Grammar and spelling matter.

Grading Scale

A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 70-79

D: 60-69 *

F: 0-59 *

*Students below a 70% will be required to attend afternoon intervention sessions.

Grade Weighting

50% Assessments (essays, multiple choice tests, short answer quizzes, etc)

20% Classwork (daily writing, standards practice, etc)

15% Homework (work completed outside of daily lessons)

15% Participation/Effort (in class response, exit slips, etc)

Plagiarism Policy

Have a question?

Email your teacher

Mrs. Bahna:
Mrs. Benavides:
Mrs. Bromley:
Ms. Roozee:
Mrs. Valverde:

Classroom Behavior Expectations

Be Safe

  • Enter the classroom in an orderly and quiet manner.

  • Go directly to your seat without any hesitation.

  • Hang your backpack behind your seat.

Be Responsible

  • Look at the Class Agenda at the beginning of the period and follow all directions.

  • Routinely check School Loop and Class Dojo to stay updated on your grades and behavior.

  • See me during office hours for any concerns regarding your grade, class assignments, or any other issue.

Be Respectful

  • Listen to directions the first time. If confused “ask 3 before me”.

  • Treat classmates and adults kindly.

  • Accept responsibility by listening to feedback and adjusting your actions accordingly.

  • Take care of our classroom including all furniture, books, and supplies.

Be Ready to Learn!