Fine and Gross Motor

Fine Motor & Gross Motor Skills

The difference

Fine Motor Activities

Fine motor activities are activities that strengthen the hand and finger muscles, works on hand-eye coordination, and helps with precision.

  • pasta necklaces

  • squeezing, molding, and shaping play-doh

  • threading beads on pipe cleaners

  • putting objects into slots (ex: use a jar with a lid, cut a small rectangle into the lid, have child put q-tips, popsicle sticks, buttons, etc into the slot)

  • poking straws into holes (have child put straws into strainer, cheese grater, etc.)

  • weaving

  • stringing beads on spaghetti noodles

  • finger painting

  • art projects (cutting on line, tracing, etc.)

  • sorting objects into an egg carton and taking the objects out

  • Link to more

  • tearing paper

  • using small stickers

  • using a hole puncher

Gross Motor Activities

Gross motor activities involve large muscle groups and provide the skills needed to run, walk, skip, crawl, and sit.

Sensory Processing

Sensory processing issues are difficulties with organizing and responding to information that comes in through the senses. Kids may be oversensitive to sensory input, under sensitive, or both. What are sensory processing issues? The term refers to trouble managing information that comes in through the senses. These issues, sometimes called sensory processing disorder or sensory integration disorder, can have a big impact on learning and on everyday life. (copied from


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