
     An inclusive community empowering young minds and hearts.

Our Lady's Primary School 

Surrey Hills

Prayerfully, humbly, but boldly, we walk together toward the vision of an ‘open’ Catholic school that goes forth in dialogue with everyone.

Guided by the life of Jesus Christ

Inspired by the Spirit of Mary

Our Lady’s Primary School is a place of growth and challenge.

Where we seek to ignite imagination and promote a lifelong

passion for God and learning

Learning together in Faith, Hope and Love


Mrs Annie Engellenner - principal@olsurreyhills.catholic.edu.au

Office Manager: 

Mrs Julie Leung - jleung@olsurreyhills.catholic.edu.au

Parish Priest: 

Parish Priest 

Fr Brendan Reed

Email:  cbdparish@cam.org.au

Tel:  9816 9291

Parish Office - 19 Brenbeal Street, Balwyn

Office Hours:  Tuesday to Friday, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm

Hours of Supervision of Students: 

Monday – Friday 8.30am -3.45pm

School Office Hours: 

Monday to Friday - 8.30am – 4.00pm

Website: Link to our website 

Social Media

Instagram @olpssurreyhills

Facebook @ Lady's Primary School Surreyhills.