Our Lady's Primary School 

Surrey Hills

Guided by the life of Jesus Christ

Inspired by the Spirit of Mary

Our Lady’s Primary School is a place of growth and challenge.

Where we seek to ignite imagination and promote a lifelong

passion for God and learning

Learning together in Faith, Hope and Love



Mrs Annie Engellenner - principal@olsurreyhills.catholic.edu.au

Office Manager: 

Mrs Julie Leung - jleung@olsurreyhills.catholic.edu.au

Parish Priest: 

Parish Priest 

Fr Brendan Reed

Email:  cbdparish@cam.org.au

Tel:  9816 9291

Parish Office - 19 Brenbeal Street, Balwyn

Office Hours:  Tuesday to Friday, 9.00 am to 5.00 pm

Hours of Supervision of Students: 

Monday – Friday 8.30am -3.45pm

School Office Hours: 

Monday to Friday - 8.30am – 4.00pm

Website: Link to our website