Mrs. Rhodes' Website

Welcome to 3rd grade! My name is Valerie Rhodes, and I am very excited about teaching 3rd grade at Our Lady of the Presentation School. I have previously taught 3rd grade in Raytown School District and Montgomery County School District, in Maryland. I received my Master of Arts degree in Elementary Education at Trinity College.

As an educator, I am committed to excellence and want to provide a world-class education that helps foster the spiritual, cognitive, social, and physical abilities of all students.

I am blessed with a wonderful husband and three awesome boys. In my free time, I’m usually attending sporting events for our children, reading, gardening, traveling, or working out at the gym. I am a member of the parish, PTO, OLP Auction Committee, and will now be starting my ninth year on the School Advisory Board as the Teacher Liaison.

Please feel free to contact me whenever needed. I am always eager to help you in any way that I can. Working together, we will have a great year!
