How does the morning start for my child?

Children may be dropped off as early as 7:20 am. Organized play is scheduled from 7:20-8:20. Our school day begins promptly at 8:30 am with Circle Time. I ask that you are on time for this important time of the day. Circle time is when we sing our welcome songs, say our prayers and pledge, review the calendar/ weather and discuss the day/ theme of the week. 

What are some themes you focus on?

Our preschool curriculum revolves around weekly themes. Children have a lot of questions and teaching by themes is a great way to answer those questions. As well as cover core subjects, such as literacy, pre-math and even science.  Some themes we cover are seasons; Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. We also cover themes inside of the seasons such as apples, farm stand, pumpkin patches just to name a few.

What does Religion look like in preschool?

Religion is also at the core of our daily learning. We use the Seeds curriculum. We also implement many books to aid in teaching about kindness, sharing, love, and giving. 

Featured story on one of our lessons 

What type of communication do you use?

Communication is a top priority! Our class uses a free app called Class Dojo. This is a wonderful tool to communicate directly with me.I can also be reached by email at ccloe@olmc-school.org or simply by sending in a note in your child’s yellow folder. If you need to speak to me, please contact the office and I will return your call promptly. Mrs. Jodi Wilhelm is our school secretary. She can be reached at 856-767-1751 

What can I do to make sure my child is ready for school?

The biggest thing to make sure your child is ready for Preschool is to TALK to your children. Ask them how they are feeling, explain what is happening, and how to process emotions. Learning how to write, or learning the alphabet is something that will be reinforced every day in everything we do, Talking to our children about kindness, learning, and daily expectations is what will have them prepared for the year ahead!