Mrs. Gephart's 2nd grade class  (2G)

Sacramental Dates:

10/15/2024 @ 6:00PM in the Church - Family meeting with 1st communicants present.

1/18/2025 @ 10:00AM in the Church - Penance Service for 1st Reconciliation

4/27/2025 @ 10:15AM meet on the playground - Crowning of Mary all 1st communicants attend and wear their 1st communion attire and crown our Mary's.

5/3/2025 @ 10:00AM in the Church - 1st Communion Mass for school only.

5/4/2025 @ 9:00AM Mass in the Church - Blessing of all 1st communicants and their families (school and parish), with a reception to follow, 1st communicants wear their attire to Mass.

5/4/2025 @ 10:00AM in Fallon Center - Reception for all 1st communicants (school and parish).

5/4/2025, 5/11/2025, and 5/18/2025 @ 9:00AM, 11:30AM, and 1:30PM Masses - 1st Communicants who have missed 5/3/2025 and all parish 1st communicants will receive their 1st communion.

6/22/2025 @ 1:00PM in the Church - Corpus Christi (Body and Blood of Jesus Christ) processional, all 1st communicants are invited to process in their attire with the Blessed Sacrament as Father Pat Blesses our campus.