Celebrations! Significance during Early Years

It's the festive season! The most joyous time of the year for everyone. We belong to a country which is the land of festivals and celebrations. Celebrations are a way to stop, cherish and reaffirm the things that we value in our lives. We show how much we care about our families when we celebrate their birthdays; we underline how important our relationships are when we celebrate anniversaries; and when we celebrate festivals and other significant days, we demonstrate to those around us, like our kids, where our values lie.

Celebrations are in fact a brilliant and joyful way to teach our children what we believe in. Also, celebrations spark joy. And joy facilitates learning. Celebrations include sweet pleasures like food, music, games and fun, helping us hardcode an association with pleasure and joy and whatever we are celebrating. A collection of thousands of small celebrations builds the habit to celebrate and in turn hard codes virtues and values that help our children develop the way they see and experience their worlds.

There is a substantial amount of research that supports the many benefits of incorporating gratitude into a child’s life, as well as our own lives. When we allow ourselves to celebrate the flowers coming into bloom, the sun shining on our gardens or even the first rainfall, we are essentially expressing how grateful we are for the wonders found in nature. And we’re passing that gratitude practice on to our children.

Our daily schedules keep us away from our close friends and relatives. Festivals and celebrations bring us together, it gives a good time to rejoice and build strong bonds between everyone. Celebrating with everyone can help our kids to learn the importance of togetherness.

An imaginative approach to helping children experience festivals and celebrations can support their learning in many areas. By explaining to others how they celebrate a festival or take part in a celebration, a child’s self-confidence and self-esteem is developed, and children’s awareness of, and respect for, others’ beliefs is nurtured.

Listening to stories at festival time can help children develop a sense of right and wrong, as they re-tell and re-enact the stories. A sense of the passing of time in relation to festival seasons can be developed, and children can use all of their senses when finding out about, and making their own different festival foods, fabrics and artefacts. They can also express their ideas and feelings about festivals and celebrations in a variety of creative ways, including music, dance and role-play. By offering children the opportunity of sharing the joy of others’ festivals and celebrations we can give them a gateway into a world of mutual understanding and shared human values.

Thank you,

Purva Deosugur

Coordinator- Early Years

Kanakia Kids Global

Picnic- Tic Tac Tot, our favourite picnic spot!

Picnic helps us divert from daily life and adds a touch of variety to our lives. Moreover, a picnic can take us to another world that is different from the one we live in daily. It adds charm to our life and is a nice refreshment in our life. So, to rejuvinate our young learners minds, our trip to Tic Tac Tot and Bird Park was an exciting one. All our jumping jacks were overjoyed to swim in the ball pool, to build houses with blocks, solving puzzles, and jumping on the trampolines. They were amazed to see the different species of birds brought from Amazon, Africa, Australia, America, China and various other countries of the world. The Ostrich was one of the major attractions of the trip. The day ended with beautiful and cheerful memories.

Learning Engagements@ Nursery

English - Writing ABCD Together

Writing is one of those developmental milestones that varies greatly from child to child. A lot depends on fine motor development.

Making writing a regular habit has been shown to increase creativity and deepen thinking, keeping the brain sharp.

Our learners wrote letters ABCD in note book. While writing they were saying phonic sound and name of objects.

Math - Pouring Water

Through the water pouring exercise, the child gains a wonderful sense of left to right eye-hand coordination and concentration. Children enhance their gross motor skills, coordination and physical fitness through holding lifting and pouring.

Learners enjoyed water pouring activity integrated with math. They poured glass of water in empty bucket. Along with pouring water they were reciting numbers too given by teacher.

Art- Lets construct!

Playing games is always fun for kids!

By creating different objects out of different shape cutouts, our learners will gain a better understanding of shapes.

Nursery learners played a shape game for constructing different objects.

Learners can identify shapes where learners explore their imagination and create houses and different eye-catching pictures using different 2D shapes.

While Building Objects with Shapes they go through different sizes of objects.

Learners thoroughly enjoyed the session playing with shapes.

Learning Engagements@K1

Math : Inky Pinky Ponky!

Learning about colours is a milestone in early childhood and represents a child's cognitive understanding. We can also associate memories and thoughts with certain colours.

Pink colour signifies sympathy, respect and kindness.

Learners of K 1 brought pink coloured object and same were been displayed in the class to let them know about the shades of colour pink. The little learners explored their knowledge about the object they brought by saying 2-3 sentences and showcased their skills of confidence and public speaking.

K1-Ekam-Pink day.mp4
K1-EKAM Pink day.mp4
K1- EKAM Pink day.mp4
K1-EKAM-Pink day.mp4

Circle : Hey! How's your mood today?

Circle time gives children the opportunity to socialize with, learn about, and relate to their classmates. Nurturing social-emotional development early on is an important part of kindergarten.

Emotions play a vital role in everyone's life. Learners of K 1 had a good conversation time with their teachers as well as peers about how they are feeling today. They even shared interesting facts & stories about their day. They then did a activity of drawing various emotion on their fingers and made a beautiful finger emotions family.

Art- Warli Art

The history of Art is the history of revivals.

-Samuel Butler

Art teacher introduced one of the famous Indian Art forms of Maharashtra Warli Art to the learners.

Every child can easily relate to the simple geometrical figures that a Warli drawing is composed of.

By following teacher's instructions, K1 Learners learn to make human figures of traditional Warli Art using toothpicks and clay.

It's also a great way to teach them about common elements – lines, dots , squares, triangles & circles.

Learning engagements@ K2

Theme- Bye Bye Germs

Keeping a good and healthy personal hygiene regularly always helps us to keep our self protected from germs and disease. Learners at the early age should be attained ample of knowledge about their body and health, so that they can take care themselves.

K2 learners were introduced to personal hygiene in a varied way with many unique examples and activities. This week they have done an experiment where they were given hand wash on their index finger. They got a water tub with glitters in the form of germs. When they touched the germs with soapy hands the germs got 'frightened' and went away. This activity helped them to understand and analyze the importance of hand wash in the daily lives.

Math- Measure Me!

Concepts are something that gives an abstract ideas which conceived in the mind. The basic concepts are usually learned as an integral part of the process of learning. In the early age many basic concepts are introduced so that the learners perceived the idea from the very beginning and execute the knowledge further.

K2 learners were introduced to the concept of Big , Bigger, Biggest, through different objects and explained them how to compare the things. To execute their understanding better they engaged in an activity where the whole class was divided in a few groups and given a few materials. They made a set of three objects which were different in size- big, bigger, biggest.

Mind Mapping- Imagine and draw

Mind mapping involves writing down a central theme and thinking of new and related ideas which is related to the central theme.

Learners of pre primary went for a full day picnic where they have witnessed many new and interesting articles. To highlight their central idea of enjoyment, teacher asked all the learners to recollect the experiences they had in their outing. All the learners gave their best and came out with unique perception of their own. Learners were asked to put their ideas on the paper and gave a structure to those ideas.

This activity of mind mapping encouraged the young learners to brainstorm and showcase their level of understanding in a different manner. All the learners enjoyed doing the mind mapping.

It's My Birthday!

A birthday brings you endless joy and tons of precious memories!

The birthdays of our little learners Shivay Giri, Anavi Singh, Dhruti Nair, Aarnav Salvi, Veer Sharma, Aniv Mistry, Mihit Rai and Khush Bhattar were celebrated with great enthusiasm along with all their friends in the class. Learners wished the birthday stars, sang the birthday song, and had lots of fun with each other.