Wonders of the Golden ages!

Ages 4-12

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

InnovaSTEM provides STEM workshops for kids, with highly trained instructors and the latest tools and technologies.

InnovaSTEM mission is to empower kids to be innovative.

Wonders of the Golden Ages!

Are you ready for a summer filled with adventure, discovery, and innovation? Look no further than our extraordinary summer camp, where campers will delve into the fascinating world of 1001 inventions inspired by the early Muslim golden ages. Join us for six weeks of exploration as we uncover the marvels of medical inventions, mechanical wonders, travel expeditions, the mysteries of the animal kingdom, captivating chemistry experiments, mesmerizing insights into astrology, cutting-edge technology education, and insights from the book "Inventions & Awesome from Muslim Civilization" by National Geographic.

STEM Camp Themes

Week 1: Unlocking the Secrets of the Stars - COding

Gaze upon the night sky and explore the wonders of astrology and celestial navigation. Additionally, campers will learn the basics of coding through fun and interactive games, paving the way for future technological innovation. Drawing inspiration from "Inventions & Awesome from Muslim Civilization," campers will discover the astronomical achievements of Muslim scholars like Al-Battani and Al-Khwarizmi. They'll learn about the development of astrolabes and celestial globes, tools used for navigation and timekeeping. Additionally, they'll dive into the principles of computational thinking and algorithmic problem-solving, mastering key concepts through hands-on activities and group challenges. By the end of the week, they'll have a solid foundation in coding fundamentals and a newfound appreciation for the role of technology in exploring the cosmos.

WEek 2:  Engineering Wonders! - Robotics 

Get hands-on with gears, pulleys, and levers as we dive into the world of mechanical inventions. Campers will not only build innovative contraptions but also learn the fundamentals of 3D printing technology. Drawing inspiration from "Inventions & Awesome from Muslim Civilization," campers will explore the mechanical genius of Muslim inventors like Al-Jazari, who designed intricate clocks and automatons. Throughout the week, they'll engage in creative problem-solving activities and design challenges, honing their engineering skills while exploring the possibilities of additive manufacturing with 3D printers.

Week 3: Exploring the Wonders of the Animal Kingdom - Web development

Roar with excitement as we venture into the wild world of animals! Campers will also explore technology tools such as designing websites and tinkering with microcontrollers like the microbots. Drawing inspiration from "Inventions & Awesome from Muslim Civilization," campers will discover the rich tradition of zoology and veterinary science in the Islamic world. They'll learn about Muslim scholars like Al-Jahiz, whose pioneering work laid the foundation for modern biology. Additionally, they'll get hands-on experience with microcontroller programming, using microbots to simulate real-world scenarios and solve fun challenges.

WEek 4Unveiling Medical MarvelS - Microcontrollers 

Step into the shoes of ancient physicians and healers as we explore the groundbreaking medical inventions of the early Muslim golden ages. Drawing inspiration from "Inventions & Awesome from Muslim Civilization," campers will learn about the pioneering contributions of Muslim scholars like Al-Zahrawi and Ibn Sina to the field of medicine. Plus, discover the basics of technology with coding games and introductory website building. Campers will dive into the principles of coding through interactive sessions using kid-friendly platforms. They'll also get hands-on experience with basic web development, learning to create their own simple web pages with HTML and CSS.

WEek 5Journey Through Time & Space - APP Design

Embark on a thrilling voyage through history and geography while also mastering stop-motion animation techniques. Additionally, campers will delve into the world of app development, creating their own interactive experiences. Using insights from "Inventions & Awesome from Muslim Civilization," campers will learn about the scientific achievements of Muslim scholars in navigation and cartography, such as Al-Idrisi's famous world map. They'll also explore the art of storytelling through stop-motion animation, bringing historical tales to life with their own creative flair. By the end of the week, they'll have their own stop-motion masterpiece to share with friends and family.

Week 6: Captivating Chemistry Adventures - MAchine Learning

Mix, stir, and observe as we conduct captivating chemistry experiments. Campers will not only unravel the mysteries of matter but also delve into the world of 3D modeling and printing. Drawing inspiration from "Inventions & Awesome from Muslim Civilization," campers will explore the contributions of Muslim chemists like Jabir ibn Hayyan, known as the father of chemistry. They'll delve into the principles of alchemy and experimental chemistry, conducting hands-on experiments that demonstrate fundamental concepts. Using advanced software tools, they'll learn to design and prototype their own 3D models, gaining practical skills in digital fabrication and rapid prototyping.