Kindergarten Transition

Updated 08/10/2023

Welcome to Kindergarten!  As posted on the RMS website, here is the 2023-24 Kindergarten Letter and Kindergarten Supply List.

Dear Families,

Rochester Memorial School knows that the transition to Kindergarten is met with many emotions and is a significant event for all involved.  We are very excited to welcome you to our school community and are looking forward to working with you to make this smooth transition for the whole family.  

"How do I register for Kindergarten?"
Step 1. 

An email will be sent directly to you on how to complete the online enrollment process on PowerSchool.

Step 2.  Developmental Information

We would like to get to know your child.  Please take some time to download and complete the Ages and Stages Questionnaire.  The questionnaire will ask you questions about your child’s development in the following areas: communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem solving and personal social skills.  Once you have completed, please submit it to your child's school.  Thank you.