Spring Term Newsletter

Our overarching theme this term is Global Environment

Our unit of work this term is Electric Energy

Language, Literacy and Communication

During this term, pupils will study texts in detail and create a range of written pieces to explore conventions of grammar, punctuation and sentence structures. Following their narrative publications from The Iron Man, pupils will begin to read Varmints by Helen Ward and Marc Craste, in which they will explore and be immersed in the story's theme, making predictions and using personified verbs/contrasting conjunctions in their writing. Children will continue to explore the themes and language of the text, particularly identifying noun phrases and prepositional phrases and how they are used to create images. 

The second and third books children will study will be Shackleton's Journey and The Baker by the Sea. They will write a range of texts types including job applications, advertisements, setting descriptions, and letter in role. Drama techniques such as Teacher in Role, Conscience Corridor and Sculptor/Sculpted support understanding and develop writing.

Children will continue to use Spelling Seeds, which is designed to work alongside the texts within the Literary Curriculum by providing opportunities to practice spelling rules and patterns. Spelling sessions will link directly to the text and provide pupils with contextualised sequences of lessons that include open-ended investigations and opportunities to practise and apply within meaningful and purposeful contexts. 

In addition to literacy lessons, pupils will participate in Guided Reading sessions. These sessions will provide children with opportunities to develop skills of retrieval, inference, summarising and sequencing through taking part in class discussions, completing practical activities and answering questions. Year 4 will read The Wild Robot during Guided Reading sessions. 

We believe that reading for pleasure is very important, and expect pupils to read independently and with parents throughout the week. Children have access to the school library should they want to read something slightly different.  It would be ideal if children could bring their reading records to school every day. 

Children will need to bring their reading book to school every day or borrow a book from our school library. 

Mathematics and Numeracy

At the start of the Spring Term, pupils will look at length and perimeter, looking into measurement in greater depth. They will then move onto look at position and direction. Pupils will be encouraged to 'show' their maths using concrete materials as well as talking about their maths with peers and teachers. 

As the term progresses children will begin to explore fractions in greater depth and re-capping our four consolidations which a addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in reasoning contexts. We will also continue our outdoor learning across our mathematics and numeracy sessions, exploring maths in real-life and meaningful contexts. 

All pupils are encouraged to practice their times tables at home to support their learning.  Times tables are central to mathematics and the ability to recall tables will assist pupils with more challenging mathematical problems.

Other Areas of Learning and Experience

This term, Year 4's Unit of Work is Electric Energy, (Global Environment) which focuses on creating and using energy within the local environment and worldwide. 

Children will start the Unit by looking at specific scientific vocabulary and ideas linked to this term's concept and start to gather information. They will then find out about the human body's need for energy sources through good nutrition, looking at different food groups and the digestive system. Pupils will also be looking at sustainable and non-sustainable energy sources, comparing the effectiveness of these in the long term. Within this, children will investigate the impact of food miles and how to grow sustainable food.  

Throughout the unit, pupils will investigate how electricity is made and the use of electrical circuits. Our end product will involve children looking at different ways to create sustainable energy sources and creating a Greener Earth Campaign,  utilising their digital skills. 

During Welsh lessons, pupils will continue to build on existing sentence patterns, including 'Beth wyt ti'n hoffi?', 'Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw?' and 'Wyt ti'n gwisgo?', as well as learning numbers to 100 and saying how old they are. Children will learn new language patterns related to places, family and hobbies. Sentence structures will be extended using 'achos' (because) and 'ond' (but) when giving an opinion and pupils will be challenged to speak and write in past tense. Pupils will take part in Helpwr Heddiw sessions daily. These sessions are 15 minutes of Welsh, recapping sentence structures and playing whole-class and partner games which enhance Welsh language skills. 

In Expressive Arts the pupils will be developing their understanding of climate change by creating an informational advert that explains why and how climate change has happened.  Pupils will learn the process of film making and explore some of the simpler techniques used in the film making process.

For enrichment, Year 4 will be taking part in tennis lessons and fitness at the Recreation Centre every Friday, with Miss Vaughan, Miss Mullins, Mrs Morris and Ms Diehl.  Please can children wear suitable outdoor clothing. 

Thrive - Emotional and Social Development

Oldcastle Primary School is fortunate to have adopted ‘Thrive’ a therapeutic approach to help support children with their emotional and social development. Children will take part in group activities in class. 

This term, Year 4 will continue to focus on building relationships, friendships and displaying kindness to those around them.  Children will be encouraged to build their collaboration skills, working with other members of year 4 across the year group.  At the end of each day, we have a check-in session which allows pupils to speak freely, share news, listen and develop their empathy skills towards one another. 

All pupils will be able to use these skills during our Outdoor Learning activities with Mr Murdoch. 

School values this term will be community, service, being a good citizen, cooperation, learning and effort.  We discuss these every morning during our Morning Thoughts sessions, whereby pupils are encouraged to share their experiences, knowledge and opinions. We will also discuss Children's Rights and Human Rights following the UNCRC format.

Things to remember

PE will take place on a Tuesday and children should wear their PE kit to school on this day.  

Children should bring a water bottle with them each day.

Children should bring their reading books to school every day. 

Download our School App via the Play or App stores - The School App will provide you with up to date information about activities and events at Oldcastle Primary School.  Please look out for our weekly newsletter issued via The School App and available on our website on a Friday afternoon.  The newsletter contains all forthcoming diary dates for the school.