Miss Lincoln and Mrs Evans

Summer Newsletter

Our overarching concept this term: The Global Impact of the Fashion Industry

Welcome to the final newsletter for Year 6. What a year it has been so far. This final term is the most exciting yet, filled with fun activities, opportunities to make memories and preparations for the transition from Primary to Secondary. Let the fun times begin!

Language, Literacy and Communication

Summer 1 and 2 see the end of our 'Write Stuff' units and we will be moving on to transferring our literacy skills into more independent extended pieces. Pupils will be planning, researching and writing a biography on Coco Chanel, and writing instructions how to thread cotton onto a sewing machine as well as how to sew using a basic running stitch. Towards the end of the year, pupils will be writing personal statements and job applications and applying for various roles within the fashion industry. We will be promoting independence in pupils' writing, taking ownership of their spelling, punctuation and grammar as well as developing their editing skills.

During Welsh sessions, pupils will be talking about their heroes, developing their use of all 3 tenses as well as improving their fiction and non-fiction reading skills.

We will continue with whole class reading, but through non-fiction texts including Great Women Who Changed the World, Coco Chanel's biography and Survivors; Extraordinary Tales from the Wild and Beyond by David Long. Reading aloud as a class, will invoke whole-class discussions, develop fluency, tone and volume of reading as well as develop inference and understanding.

Mathematics and Numeracy

Over the final term in Year 6, we will be focusing on refining the skills we have already taught, learning new mathematical skills to prepare them for Year 7, before transferring them all collectively to project-based tasks. At this point of the year, we have only a few mathematical skills to cover. These include: probability, statistics and data analysis, interpreting graphs, one step and two-step functions and introduction to algebra. Once these skills have been mastered we will be moving on to working on Enterprise projects, enabling pupils to transfer their critical and mathematical skills into real-life contexts. One project will be linked to our Fashion concept, looking at the effects of Fast Fashion on profit and how to calculate cost and sales prices. We will be working closely with Brynteg to support their transition and ensure everything is in place for their departure.

In addition to what is being taught in lessons, Miss Lincoln and Mrs Evans will continue to hold maths support sessions for those pupils who would like to attend. The aim of these sessions is to deepen understanding of knowledge and application of skills.

In preparation for September, we ask that all pupils practice their multiplication tables at home and are confident in recalling them as multiplication and division facts. In Year 6, we expect all pupils to be able to recall up to 12 x 12.

Other Areas of Learning and Experience

This new and exciting concept of the Global Impact of the Fashion Industry will be taught across all areas of the new curriculum. Through humanities, Year 6 will research the history of fashion and how it has adapted over time from apparel to today's trends, and how religious and national clothing has advanced over time. Pupils will also be looking at the ethics of sweatshops and child labour and how they affected fashion.

In science and technology, Year 6 will be looking at a range of practical skills; creating cog mechanisms to investigate how the first sewing machines worked as well as learning to sew using a variety of stitches. As well as the practical elements, Year 6 will learn about the environmental impact fashion has and how it can be reduced.

Through expressive arts and Welsh, pupils will be researching Welsh fashion designers, identifying fashion photography skills and how social media can and has affected body shapes through photo-shopping apps.

Our final showcase will allow pupils to upcycle their clothes using various fabrics and materials, developing their planning and designing skills. Please don't throw away any clothes, they will come in use in Summer 2.

Thrive - Emotional and Social Development

The summer term is one of the most important terms for Year 6. There are lots of changes happening and we would like to assure you we will be supporting your child every step of the way. Our whole-class reading book will be focusing on resilience and perseverance, enabling pupils to share their thoughts and ideas.

During lessons, we will be introducing more group work across the classes to allow them to build a larger network of friends. Pupils will also be updating their One Page Profiles ready for September.

Transition begins instantly in the summer term. Old pupils will be returning to Oldcastle to present to the children and host a Q and A. This will allow pupils to ask any niggling questions they may have about Year 7. In addition to this, we will be hosting a range of Expressive Arts and Humanities lessons with Brynteg, working on a transition project. This allows pupils to work with other members of staff who they may meet next year.

If your child is not attending Brynteg, we will also make contact with respective schools and discuss transition processes with them, supporting your child along the way.

In June, Year 6 will be looking forward to our activities week. This is an excellent week for social and emotional development. We can't wait to fill their hearts and minds with memories.

Things to remember

Dates to remember:

26th May - Jubilee Celebrations

June 13th - Activities week.

June 20th - BBQ at Brynteg for new students.

PE continue to be on a Thursday, however, with the nature of our concept, we may ask pupils to wear a change of clothes on other days. We will tell them in advance.

Please ensure pupils have enough water to last them the day and that they are appropriately dressed to match the ever-changing weather conditions.

Don't forget to download our School App via the Play or App stores - The School App will provide you with up to date information about activities and events at Oldcastle Primary School. Please look out for our weekly newsletter issued via The School App and available on our website on a Friday afternoon. The newsletter contains all forthcoming diary dates for the school.