Careers Week aims to inspire, motivate and educate children in the world of work.  This year, each year group has completed a project and investigated a variety of careers.  Please read on to find out what each year group has been doing.


Nursery have been busy bees this week and used all sorts of digital technology as part of their investigations into careers!  Children have been developing their learning about their unit of work - Traditional Tales.  They have been looking at various books and learning about how books are made.  We are lucky to have an author working with us in school!  Mrs Brotherton who teaches year 4 has published children's books.  Mrs Brotherton spoke to the children about how she became an author, and how she wrote her books. Nursery children then went on a visit to year 4 who all read to the younger children.  To finish off their topic the children have created a very special version of the Gingerbread Man becoming authors, illustrators and providing voice over to the video.  We think you will agree that their video of them chasing the Gingerbread Man is fantastic.

Nursery also had a visit from Bridgend Library who talked to them about books.  They read a story together and took part in craft activities. Don't forget it's free to join the library and children in nursery have bought home a registration form if you haven't joined already.

Please watch our nursery children chasing the Gingerbread Man!

Gingerbread Man.MOV


Reception have been super busy learning about being a travel agent. Throughout the week, they looked at various holiday brochures and developed their own passport, ready to travel the world!  Children looked at various holiday locations and how they would travel, whether by plane, car or ferry.  Children created boarding passes to join an aeroplane and chose a country to look at.   We are delighted to see how much work our Reception children have put in this week creating a promotional video and poster / leaflet of the chosen country.

Please take a look at the fantastic promotional videos our Reception children have created.


Australia group
Australia group


Spain group
Spain group


China group
China group


Kenya group
Kenya group

Year 1

Year 1 have been continuing to look at their topic Myths and Legends throughout Careers Week.  They have all worked hard learning to be artists, designers, composers, script writers, storytellers and musicians!  Children created puppets out of socks and felt to create myths and legends for their puppet show.  Their puppets looked amazing in the story all about The Three Little Pigs - we hope you agree!

Children have also been investigating the artist 'Orla Kiely' and have created their own designs in the style of her artwork.  Children sketched their designs and on Friday they printed the designs onto a large piece of fabric.  It looks amazing.

Year 1 used their puppets to create a lovely video using the green screen.

Three little pigs

Year 2

Year 2 have history detectives this week investigating a range of careers including archaeologists, historians and architects.  Children have been digging for fossils in ice and learning how to look for clues in old photos and documents.  Old photos have been analysed by the children so they can describe what type of family were in the photos.  Children loving dressing up as people from the past and created information cards on history facts.  As well as looking at history children have been designing their own houses and understanding what skills an architect may need.

Pupils were asked to say what they would like to do for a job when they are older too.  We wonder how many will come true!

Year 3

Year 3 will be building a new town before you know it following their visit from the local town planner!  Children loved listening to Rhodri from BCBC who told them all about how to build a town and what is important to be included.   They learnt that a town should include different types of houses, a school, medical facilities and be inclusive and sustainable.  

On Wednesday all of year 3 took a walk to visit Newcastle Castle.  As well as look at the structure and design of the castle the setting provided a perfect vantage point over Bridgend.  This meant that they could have a higher level view and spot how the town has been developed.  To finish off their topic children found out about different types of roles included in planning from town planner to sustainability officers, and this allowed them to create their own version of a town with particular reference to the future.

Children then created their own version of a town thinking about what should be included.

Year 4

At the start of the week, year 4 welcomed David from Arup to talk about his role as a structural engineer. David talked to the children about how bridges are formed and they looked at examples from all around the world.  He challenged the children to come up with bridge designs made out of Lego and to look at the best types.  Children even moved onto making suspension bridges!  Children used the knowledge they had learnt about the construction industry to develop a CV applying for a job in the industry.

Year 5

Year 5 have created some amazing 'Aspiration Mindmaps' whilst they were thinking about different career choices they would like to do.  We love some of the career choices!  Children have been preparing CV's and looking at personal statements, skills and responsibilities required for each job.

Children researched the various roles within political parties and have used this knowledge to develop campaigns to canvas to become a house captain next year!  As part of their look into democracy they have discovered the different roles involved and looked at various outfits suitable for the roles.  Children created mood boards to highlight their knowledge.

Ava in year 5 took part in a press conference to announce her election as 'First Minister' !! We wonder if we will look back on this video in years to come when she does become a politician!!  Ava First Minister Press Conference

Ava First Minister video.MOV

Year 6

Year 6 have been looking the fashion industry as part of their Careers Week project.  Firstly, children developed designs for the year 6 leavers hoody.  They then concentrated on investigating fashion trends and how they came about.  The children developed presentations on fashion trends this year and predicted what might be coming in the future.  They presented these findings to the rest of class.  

Children learnt what a fashion photographer would have to consider and even performed on the 'runway' to  look at different considerations including styling and lighting.  Looks like children enjoyed this task!

Following on from watching the film Cruella, where the main character wants to be a fashion designer, the inspired children created their own mood board on fashion that they are interested in.  We certainly have some budding designers and graphic arts in year 6!  

Finally children looked at portfolio of jobs within the fashion industry and researched university courses suitable for the various jobs within the industry.