Health requirements for the 2024-25 school year:

All students -The Annual Student Emergency and Medical Information form  (S865) must be filled out every year by parents or guardians to allow the school nurse to medicate their child with Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen as prescribed by the School District’s medical Officer/pediatrician. The S865 is available under the forms section. 

Requirements for students entering the following grades:

K -immunization records (see immunization page for required doses) physical and dental exams

3rd and 7th grade-dental exams

7th grade-immunizations -1 dose of Tdap and 1 dose of meningitis vaccine

6th grade-physical exam

*New student in any grade-immunization records, physical and dental exam

Please contact me with any questions or concerns @ 215-637-0531 or

When to keep your child home

Your child can return to school when they no longer have symptoms for 24 hours without medication.

If your child is sent home from school due to illness, they can return to school when they no longer have symptoms for 24 hours without medication.