
Robin Anderson is the Student Employment Coordinator at Watzek Library, where they have worked since 2019. They have a BA in History from Carleton College, and a Masters in Library and Information Studies from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. 

Melissa Beer (she/her) received her BS from Arizona State University and MLIS from the University of Arizona. She currently serves as a Research Analyst for the State of Oregon Law Library. 

Emily Donnellan (she/her) received her BA from Portland State University, JD from the University of South Dakota and MLIS from the University of Washington. She currently serves as the Reference Librarian for the State of Oregon Law Library. 

Jean Gritter is the West Albany High School Library Media Specialist, the District Librarian for Greater Albany Public Schools, and serves on the OSLIS committee and the Oregon Association of School Libraries Board. Jean considers herself a "naturalized" Oregonian, and has been an educator for over 25 years. 

Erica Jensen is a Research & Instruction Librarian at Watzek Library, where she has worked since 2016. She has a BA in English from the University of California, Berkeley and a Master of Science in Library and Information Science from Simmons College. 

Carolyn Martin is the Outreach and Education Coordinator for the Network of the National Library of Medicine Region 5 located at the University of Washington Health Sciences Library in Seattle. Her primary focus is consumer health. Previously she worked as a medical librarian for over 20 years providing services to all hospital staff including patients and their families. 

Liz Mills joined the WebJunction team in 2022, having recently received her Ph.D. in Information. Science. Her research looks at how children’s librarians use reflection in the ways in which they produce learning-rich programs for children and families. As Program Manager at WebJunction, she looks for ways to translate research findings into evidence-based practices that can influence and impact the field of librarianship, especially through civil legal reference around disaster events. 

Enrique Rivera is a bilingual outreach specialist at Multnomah County Library. His passion for library services to incarcerated people developed from his own experiences as a book lover while serving a 70-month sentence as a young adult, and then when he became an avid library user upon his release. In 2018, Rivera combined his life experiences with his passion for libraries and began providing library services to adults in custody at Columbia River Correctional Institution and later at Multnomah County Inverness Jail.