Congressional Districts

Congressional district one

Shezad Batliwala

Once undocumented, now a proud U.S. citizen and eye surgeon, my journey symbolizes the power of the American Dream. Becoming a delegate is more than a position; it's my chance to give back to a country that turned my dreams into reality. To be able to vote is to have a voice in shaping the future of America, and that is a privilege. I'm driven to ensure our democracy remains a beacon of hope, offering every person the chance to thrive. Let's make our collective voice heard, shaping a future where everyone's dream is within reach.

Khadijah Goz

Khadija Goz works as a volunteer for the Tulsa County Democratic Party and a serves as Precinct President for her precinct. She currently acts as Vice President of Oklahoma’s Congressional District 1 as well as  Treasurer of Heart of the Party: Tulsa Chapter of the Oklahoma Federation of Democratic Women. Khadija also holds the position of Secretary of Tulsa Young Democrats.

Crystal LaGrone

I am the chair of the Wagoner County Dems, a candidate for OKHD12, and a supporter of rural Democrats. I hold a BA in Political Science from OSU and an MS in E-Governance Services and Technology from TalTech (Estonia) and working on a second master's. My specialty is data security and voting technologies. Since 2009, I have been serving the ODP in key county positions and committees. I’m a local organizer and advocate in the Tulsa area; organizing events such as a vigil to support Ukraine and a David Pepper book event. I’m a mom (humans and dogs), a United Methodist, a student, and a Democrat.

Bruce Niemi

My name is Bruce Niemi. Since rolling off the election board last April I’ve served as chairman of the Tulsa County Democratic Party. From 2019 through 2022 I was on the Tulsa County Election board as the Democratic member and vice-chairman. I’ve been a delegate to the DNC in 2016 and 2020 and to numerous Oklahoma conventions. I served a term in the Oklahoma Legislature, from 1990-1992.

Bettye Rector

Bettye Rector, President of the Oklahoma Federation of Democratic Women, previously served as President of Tulsa County's Heart of the Party. She is active in the Tulsa County Democratic Party and is a Precinct Chair and poll worker. She has contributed to the Tulsa County party, the Oklahoma Democratic Party, and the DNC for many years. Additionally, she has worked on local campaigns for school board and city council, and local candidates running for the House of Representatives and State Senate. A retired principal, Bettye is passionate about public schools, children's health and well-being, and women's rights.

congressional district two

Frances Harjo

Francis Harjo is 77 years old. Born in Muskogee, OK. Enrolled citizen of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribe in Duck Valley, NV. I first registered Democrat in 1968. I have supported and voted Democrat in every presidential election since. In 1991 I was working in Washington DC for a non-profit advocacy org. for Native American Housing and was offered a job with the Clinton Admin at the U.S.D.A. as the Native American liaison. In 2000 I accepted a position w/DHUD and retired in 2014. I moved to OK and was a Delegate in 2020 for Joe Biden.  

Debra Proctor

Debra Proctor is a citizen of the Cherokee Nation and a lifelong Democrat who has lived the values in both her personal and professional life. She grew up on the campuses of 4 Indian Boarding Schools, where her father worked and her mother was an RN. Debra graduated college in 1976, at age 19, and has been a RN for 48 years.

From the beginning, she learned that working on behalf of others leads to a fuller and more enriched life. Her commitment to public service has always been a steadfast value. Debra remains unwavering in her dedication to the Democratic Party, its values and its platforms. Debra served as Chair of CD2 for 2 years and in 2023, did not seek re-election due to her position as Senior Director of Cherokee Nation Domestic Violence program, which was 24/7. Prior to serving as CD2 Chair she was a 2020 Biden Presidential Delegate, Chair of the Cherokee County Democratic Party, Vice Chair and Board Member of the Cherokee County Federation Democratic Women.

Paula Strickland

I'm an Oklahoma native who has lived in this state my entire life except for the 9 years I served in the military including one tour in the Middle East. I am the vice chair of the Rogers County Democratic party and a board member of Women Empowered for Democracy. I am a member of the Oklahoma Democratic Party Veterans Federation and Veterans Defending Democracy. I am a registered nurse (RN) and have a Master of Science degree in Nursing. I am married and have 4 daughters and 6 grandchildren.

John Weston

John Weston is both a proud citizen of the Cherokee Nation and a Democrat. Having served as a Regional Field Director for the Hoskin-Warner campaign, he took on the role of organizing and growing the Washington County Democratic Party as Chair. He also serves on the ODP Rules Committee and is a strong advocate for tribal sovereignty, LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, unionization, voting rights and the preservation of our democracy. He is a community organizer within Cherokee Nation as well as the city of Bartlesville serving on several boards including as President-Elect of Kiwanis Club and the Bartlesville Regional United Way.

Congressional District three 

Jeff Berrong

Resides in Weatherford with wife Jill and young sons Jack & Jace; knocked doors for Biden during the 2020 primary election campaign in OKC; Chair, Custer County Democratic Party; Board Chair, Oklahoma Policy Institute; ODP Resolutions Committee member and primary author of the 2023 Oklahoma Platform Addendum; 2018 Democratic nominee for State Senate District 38 in southwest Oklahoma; served on the campaign and congressional staffs of former Democratic Congressman Dan Boren; have volunteered and donated to elect Democrats my entire adult life; deeply involved in the civic life of my community; lifelong interest in public policy, government, history, & politics.

Sarah Carnes

Lifelong Democrat, Cherokee Nation tribal citizen, community volunteer, activist, union member in AFT and OEA, Toastmasters, NAEA, OAEA, OAAE, Moms demand Action, Defense of Democracy, 2018 Candidate for HD 47, Precinct Chair, Precinct Vice-Chair, and Affirmative Action Officer. Last year, I was elected CD3 Chair, volunteering and serving 32 counties. I have been in collaborative work with the CD3 team, ODP Central Committee, county chairs, traveling to monthly meetings and events. I regularly contribute, volunteer, and support campaigns. I love knocking doors and meeting constituents. I have been to three Inagurations. I love traveling and meeting new people.

Arturo Delgado

Arturo Delgado was born in Mexico and raised in South Oklahoma City, where he has called home for many decades and has been active in the community through community group(s) and union member engagement.

At the age of 18 he started working with a local union construction company where he first became a union member with the Laborers International Union of North America- Local 107.

His volunteerism with party politics and candidates started as he began his career as a union Representative in 2008.

To date, Arturo has been involved in dozens of races throughout the state and has been known to deliver yard signs throughout the state for statewide candidates like Joe Dormna, Drew Edmondson, Cathy Cummings and has been very involved in getting more Latinos(as) elected such as Senator Michael Brook-Jimenez, Representatives: Arturo Alonso and Annie Menz including many other democrats in the surrounding OKC and Tulsa area.

Arturo is currently the Business Manager for LiUNA- Local 107, Vice President of the Oklahoma AFL-CIO, and a Board member & Trustee of the Oklahoma Building Trades.

 Arturo wishes to continue his involvement and see the growth within our Democrats in public office.

Camryn Paulson

Born and raised in New Jersey, Camryn Paulson moved to Oklahoma after the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Motivated to make a difference in a place without adequate reproductive care, Camryn immersed herself in politics through campaigns, grassroots organizing, and nonprofit work. As a VP for the Oklahoma Women's Network, a nonprofit she assisted in developing, Camryn works to facilitate collaboration among women-centered nonprofits to drive collective advancements in women's rights. In the campaign sphere, Camryn actively manages and volunteers on campaigns, both independently and with the College Democrats of Oklahoma. Her biggest objective is securing Democratic victories in Oklahoma.

Congressional District FOUR

Loretta Autry

I was born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri.  I moved to Oklahoma in 1969 after earning my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from the University of Missouri at Kansas City.  My Master's degree in Administration and PhD in Educational Leadership are from the University of Oklahoma.  I worked for Moore Public Schools for forty years.  I taught first grade for three years and worked thirty-seven years in administration from the building level to the central office.  I was also an adjunct professor at OU for ten years.  

Connor Boren

Connor Boren is a campaign consultant working to get Democrats elected in Oklahoma. A lifelong Oklahoman, Connor grew up in Norman and spent their high school years in Ardmore, affording them the unique opportunity to learn about both rural and metropolitan Oklahoma. Now, Connor is finishing their Political Science degree at the University of Oklahoma and is the current Director of Political Affairs for the College Democrats of Oklahoma, volunteering upwards of 10 hours a week to help organize students across the state.

Kevin Dawson

Kevin Dawson has been a proud Railroader, Union Member, and Democrat since September 1979. He achieved that goal of being promoted to the position of locomotive engineer in only 14 months, becoming one of the youngest locomotive engineers in United States history. Kevin graduated with an Associates Degree in general studies from Southeast Community College. Bachelor of Arts in Administrative Leadership from the University of Oklahoma. Master of Arts in Administrative Leadership from the University of Oklahoma. Kevin Cofounded Coffee with Democrats™ and cofounded Coffee with Democrats, Inc., a social media non-profit organization Promoting Democrat Candidates and Elected Officials, throughout America.

Kimberly Eaton

Congressional District five 

Jana Harkins

I’ve shared my time, talent, and treasure with the ODP and Democratic candidates for 50+ years. I recently completed two terms as state president of the Oklahoma Federation of Democratic Women. My activism has been recognized numerous times over the years, including the Oklahoma Democratic Party Carl Albert Lifetime Achievement Award (2023), Oklahoma Federation of Democratic Women – Hall of Fame Inductee (2013), and ACLU Oklahoma Angie Debo Civil Libertarian Award (2011). I am a wife, mother, and grandmother who is passionate about justice and equality for all. 

Joshua Harris-Till

Shalondra Harrison

Kevin Tim O'Connor

Chris Odneal

Born in Shawnee, OK I grew up talking politics with my Grandfather Jerry Odneal. After running for office in 2010 and losing to a Tea party republican I didn't pack up and quit fighting, I joined my county party. 

My wife Lauren, the kids, and I spend our weekends knocking on doors for candidates and driving across the state to help other county parties. 

Jekia Pendleton-Harrison

My name is JeKia Harrison (Pendleton-Harrison). I was raised and live in Northeast Oklahoma City. I work at the Oklahoma House of Representatives as a Legislative Assistant. Working as a campaign professional on multiple local, state, and federal campaigns since 2020 has also been my pleasure. I serve as the President of Young Democrats of Oklahoma. Words I live by are; "Service is the rent we pay to live on this earth." I ask for your vote to be a delegate to the 2024 Democratic National Convention.