The Office of Student Discipline
Oklahoma City Public Schools
2024 -2025 OKCPS Student Code of Conduct (F-19-R1)
The Oklahoma City Public Schools utilizes The Oklahoma City Public Schools Student Code of Conduct which outlines behaviors and a continuum of consequences for such behaviors. The Student Code of Conduct is intended to focus on students exhibiting positive behaviors that demonstrate they have respect for themselves and others; are responsible and prepared to learn; understand all students and adults deserve a safe learning environment.
Each adult and student in the school:
Knows and acts as if personal rights are balanced by the rights of others
Accepts through words and actions that others have different ideas and opinions
Understands and allows for others’ and their own mistakes to be a part of learning
Each adult and student in the school:
Acts in ways that indicate school attendance and learning are a priority
Knows and acts as if his or her choices affect everyone
Makes choices that support learning for all
Each adult and student in the school:
Takes steps to ensure that physical safety for all is a priority
Understands social safety is free of put-downs or sarcasm
Knows that what happens in and out of school impacts learning
Comments or Concerns
Regarding student behavior may be completed online by clicking HERE or they may be directed to:
Chuck Tompkins, Executive Director email or 405-587-0886