Music Education

The main goal of the music department is to offer a variety of performing opportunities to all students who sing and/or play an instrument. Courses are set up so that any student can be a member of one or more ensembles. All students are encouraged to participate regardless of their musical background.  All courses except Music Theory, AP Music Theory, and Freshman Choir may be repeated.


* These courses have been endorsed by Kutztown University (band) and Houghton College (choir/orchestra) and have therefore been weighted at CP and Honors. Honors level courses in these subjects have additional expectations/requirements: Band; Orchestra; Choir

MUSIC THEORY            

Grade(s): 9-12        Credit(s): 0.5    Weight: ST


Length: Semester                        


Traditional: 11115               Periods/cycle: 5


This course is open to any high school student who would like to learn more about the basic elements of music including: musical notation, keys, harmony, chords, and part writing. Previous musical training on an instrument or voice is helpful but not required.

AP MUSIC THEORY                

Grade(s): 11-12               Credit(s): 1.0                    Weight: AP/IB/DE


Length: Year                 


Traditional: 11125         Periods/cycle: 5

Dual Enrollment: 3 credits via Immaculata University contingent upon yearly instructor approval.


AP Music Theory is an advanced course of music theory intended for students who wish to study music formally at the collegiate level. Students must have completed the semester-long Music Theory elective or must have obtained written approval from the instructor. In order to be pre-approved, students MUST demonstrate a certain level of prior music knowledge as determined by the instructor. The course outline will adhere to the strict tenets of the AP Course Guidelines. Students who complete this course are encouraged to take the AP Music Theory Exam.

MUSIC HISTORY                    

Grade(s): 9-12            Credit(s): 0.5                   Weight: ST


Length: Semester


Traditional: 11135         Periods/cycle: 5


This course is open to any high school student who would like to learn more about the history of music and how music evolved into the various styles of music we listen to today. The course will cover the origins of music in ancient cultures and will follow its development through the centuries into current jazz, rock, and popular music styles.


Grade(s): 9-12                 Credit(s): 1.0                      Weight: CP*, H*


Length: Year                                                                 


Traditional                       Periods/cycle: 5



Course numbers

College Prep (11212)

Honors (11211)


The OJR band is open to all students with a sufficient degree of proficiency on a band instrument.  A thorough variety of performances and training will be offered to those students who demonstrate adequate ability.  Attention will be paid to the development of a sense of musicality as well as the evaluation of performance.  Major activities include marching band from September through November and concert band from November through June. 


Grade(s): 9-12                   Credit(s): 1.0                      Weight: CP*, H*


Length: Year


Traditional                         Periods/cycle: 5


Course numbers

College Prep (11312)

Honors (11311)


This course is open to all students with a sufficient ability to play the violin, viola, cello, or bass. Musicality and self-evaluation of performance are highly stressed. A wide variety of performing opportunities is offered at several concerts during the school year.  This course is repeatable for credit.


Grade(s): 9-12                     Credit(s): 1.0                      Weight: CP*, H*


Length: Year

Prerequisite: A willingness to sing. Successful student audition (if the student has not previously participated in Chorus). 


Traditional                             Periods/cycle: 5



Course numbers:

College Prep (11432)

Honors (11431)


Choir provides the student singer an opportunity to rehearse and perform appropriate choral music for two major concerts, with additional community appearances. The choral literature includes various styles and arrangements of three-part through eight-part pieces, for voices in categories of soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. All students sing in the voice part which is chosen for them based upon their audition. Grade level does not affect placement. Student grades are based upon their personal progress in music theory (demonstrated through written and singing assessments), their organization while learning the repertoire, their demonstration of singing the repertoire (practice videos), and on their singing participation in daily classes. Additional small ensemble opportunities are available after school on an auditioned basis. Participation in an after-school group, while providing enrichment, does not affect a chorus student’s grade. This course is repeatable for credit.


Grade(s): 10-12                     Credit(s): 1.0                      Weight: H (pending endorsement)


Length: Year


Prerequisite:  Choir and successful audition


Traditional                             Periods/cycle: 5


Course number: 11451


This is an audition only course for students who want to focus on challenging literature, choral festivals and other adjudication events. Students will be selected based on aptitude and ability. Chamber Choir is open to students in grades 10-12.  Chamber Choir sings in 4-part harmony (SATB), with a program of study in music theory and harmonization.  Students will need to sing for the director in January for voice placement before registering for the class. This course is repeatable for credit.


Grade(s): 9-12                        Credit(s): Varies                Weight: CP*


Length: Year


Prerequisite:  Teacher recommendation


Traditional                             Periods/cycle: varies


Course numbers

5 days/cycle (11952)

4 days/cycle (11942)

3 days/cycle (11932)

2 days/cycle (11922)

1 day/cycle (11912)


Music Contract gives instrumentalists and vocalists an opportunity to develop and enhance their musical skills and interests in a small group setting.  Members of OJRHS performing, instrumental or vocal ensembles are encouraged to elect this class. This course is repeatable for credit. It offers the student the opportunity to explore subjects that fall into two categories:


- Instrumental Music Contract:  This option is recommended for all instrumental ensemble members.  It is designed for students who wish to improve their technical and musical skills.  This will be accomplished through sectional or small group work and/or independent study

- Vocal Music Contract:  This option is recommended for all choral ensemble members.  It is designed for students who wish to improve or learn proper vocal technique and musical skills.  This will be accomplished through small group instruction and/or independent study.



Students may elect to combine other music courses.  Available options are listed below.  Students alternate between these performing ensembles.  See course description for individual courses listed above.

New for 2024-25: Students who wish to take ensembles at two different levels (e.g. Honors Choir and CP Orchestra) may do so with pre-approval from the music faculty. 




Grade(s): 9-12                        Credit(s): 1.0                      Weight: CP*, H*


Length: Year


Traditional                             Periods/cycle: 5


Course numbers

College Prep (11512)

Honors (11511)



Grade(s): 9-12                        Credit(s): 1.0                      Weight: CP*, H*


Length: Year


Traditional                             Periods/cycle: 5


Course numbers

College Prep (11522)

Honors (11521)



Grade(s): 9-12                        Credit(s): 1.0                      Weight: CP*, H*


Length: Year


Traditional                             Periods/cycle: 5



Course numbers

College Prep (11532)

Honors (11531)




Grade(s): 9-12                        Credit(s): 1.0                      Weight: CP*, H*


Length: Year


Traditional                             Periods/cycle: 5


Course numbers

College Prep  (11542)

Honors (11541)