Membership is $30 and is valid through the end of the current school year.
(July 1 - June 30)
MPO membership supports the OJR bands through funds, volunteers and guidance over the MPO organization.
Why should you join?
Perks! Notoriety! Not really....but you can support the amazing band programs that your kids love and you'll probably have fun in the process.
For selected fundraisers, members may have the ability to allocate a percentage of funds raised to their own individual student fundraising accounts to help offset the cost of future band trips.
We meet monthly, the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 7pm and would love to see your face!
The MPO is a 501(c)3 organization that is governed with by-laws and operates an annual budget through fundraising. The funds we raise are used to support the elementary, middle school and high school bands, drumline and color guard.
Members are asked to vote on board member positions and any by-law changes that occur. One membership is good for one vote in each MPO election. Membership is open to all parents and legal guardians of students in the elementary, middle school, and high school band programs. We also have non-voting alumni memberships if you do not have a student in the program and would like to support the band!
There are also many opportunities to volunteer! If you are interested in volunteering please indicate on the membership form which areas you would like to help us with. Below are brief descriptions of the many ways you can use your time and talents to help the band.
The OJR Cavalcade of Bands is the largest event and fundraiser sponsored by the MPO. Join us for a day filled with music from over 12 local bands, and help with tickets, concessions, candy grams, planning and so much more!
Come help the MPO in the concessions stand in the football stadium during home games. We have a lot of fun! There is no experience of any kind required. We need food servers, cashiers, and more.
Chaperone volunteers provide reliable adult supervision during football games, band shows, cavalcades, and parades. We assist with student equipment, uniforms, and props, move the band through the crowds, and provide assistance in the event of a medical incident. You're already going to the games and shows anyway, come experience it with the band! We can almost guarantee it will be the coolest and most fun volunteer job you've ever had!
Nurse/EMT/Doctor Chaperone
A subset of volunteers that we are seeking are also licensed to provide our students with some basic medical care (distributing medicine, providing basic first aid). If you are looking for a great way to volunteer and are a nurse, doctor, or EMT, we would love to welcome you to the group this coming year.
Equipment, Truck/Trailer, and Prop Crew
An essential part of a successful marching band season is the truck and equipment needed to pull off the amazing shows. There are several ways that you can share your time and talents.
Trailer Towing (Trailer Caddies)
It takes a lot to move our band’s instruments, props and equipment from event to event each week. We rely heavily on our parent volunteers that can help tow our two primary trailers: 20’ red trailer w/ 8,000lbs max weight capacity (*requires vehicle with trailer brake controllers) and 14’ white trailer w/ 3,000lbs max weight. The time requested is primarily during Marching Band Season (Sept/Nov). If you love to move stuff and like looking cool pulling our band trailers around, please volunteer!
Prop Crew
The prop crew is looking for people with carpentry skills and/or are mechanically inclined that are willing to assist with building and repairing props. This would primarily be needed in July and August.
Field Crew
Members of this group help to load and transport the band instruments, sound equipment, props, and drum major stands to away games and cavalcades.They also help to move band instruments, sound equipment, props, and drum major stands at home games. New volunteers are always needed and appreciated.
Equipment Core Team
This is a small dedicated team of individuals that contribute to the coordination of equipment topics throughout the year.
Fundraiser volunteer responsibilities may include, but are not limited to, contacting companies to research fundraiser details, soliciting volunteers to help with direct sales distribution (if needed), and encouraging support through promotional materials. This will be a committee this year. Fundraising volunteers will have support from the fundraising co-chairs.
Sound Crew
The OJR Sound Crew provides sound equipment and audio engineering support for all band performances. We supply and set up the speakers, microphones, running cables and mixing sound levels as well as the people to run it. This exciting, year long opportunity, puts you right in the middle of every setup as you provide the necessary acoustical support to make every OJR performance a success. No audio experience is necessary, but is helpful. Consider this unique opportunity to be an active part of the MPO community.