Middle School


Oakland Hebrew Day School's middle school athletics program builds student health and wellness, complements OHDS academics, and builds our core middot: kindness, gratitude, resilience, respect, responsibility, self-control, perseverance, curiosity, and integrity. We encourage students of all athletic abilities to join, to build skills, good health, and fun.

OHDS offers a three-season year for our student athletes: a co-ed pickleball in the fall (September-November), a boys and a girls basketball team in the winter (November-March), and a co-ed volleyball team in the spring (March-May). Please click in the drop-down menus below for details, registration information, and forms. OHDS is a member of the Bay Area Middle School Sports League.


Eagles Basketball Details

At least two parent drivers are needed to get the team to every game, so ask each family to sign up to drive at least twice on this document. Parents are responsible for getting their own children home from each game, and should never assume their child has a ride. We couldn't do this without parent support, so thank you!

Action Items to Join


Eagles Pickleball Details

Action Items to Join


Eagles Volleyball Details

Action Items to Join

OHDS Middle School Athletics Team

Daryl Grace
Director of Athletics

Coach Grace oversees the middle school athletics program, hiring coaches, creating game schedules, and communicating with parents and our league. He also teaches physical education to grades 1-8 at OHDS, and Pre-Algebra in the middle school.

Coach Theo
Basketball (8th Grade Boys)

Coach Adam
Basketball (6th-7th Grade Boys)

Coach Jaydin
Basketball (6th-7th Grade Boys)

Coach Jacob
Basketball (Girls)

Coach Rick

Coach Julia