Awa Lockdown News

Awa Lockdown News 19-Oct 2021

Yesterday it was announced that Northland would return to Level 2 as of 11:59 tonight. This is fantastic news, so today we have set up learning similar to yesterday so you can complete this at home. There is no hangout today as staff will be back onsite setting up for you to return to school on Wednesday morning. We are really excited about seeing you in our class bubbles.

Remember to bring drink bottles as the water fountains will remain off at Level 2, as well as pencil cases, headphones and Chromebooks if you took them home over the holidays.

Awa Lockdown News 18-Oct 2021

Today's activities are a collection of tasks that relate to Greats and Grands. Although 'Greats and Grands Day' has been canceled for this year due to COVID-19 we still would like to take the time to celebrate and remember how important these people are to our Tamariki lives. The idea with today's tasks is that your child can choose which task to complete including when and how they complete them. Most do not require a Chromebook as we are very aware that our year 3's who are at home will not have any with them and some of our year 4's did not take their devices home over the holidays.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require help throughout the day. You can pop into our google meet or you are more than welcome to email Kariene or Carmen if you have questions. Carmen is onsite today with a bubble class so she may not be able to get back to you straight away. You are also welcome to phone or message us as well (Many of you will have our contacts already from past lockdowns and school events).

We are awaiting the 4 pm announcement with regards to our alert levels, like all of you at home. Once this announcement is made we will be able to let you know more about what is happening with regards to the rest of the week. If we return to Level 2 this evening, then students will return to school on Wednesday. If we remain at Level 3 a plan will be made (as a school) with regards to both hardpack and devices.

Awa News - Monday 6th September 2021

Welcome to week 7 Term 3. This week looks to be a fun filled week with lots of activities related to the book 'Where the Wild Things Are" that our class is using for the production. Due to Lockdown this will at this stage be rescheduled for next term so watch this space.

Remember ...

  • YOU DON"T HAVE TO WAIT TILL FRIDAY TO BLOG - Blog as you go, it is probably easier.

  • Your teachers often will leave you feedback on your work so read this, act on the feedback.

  • Mrs G, Mrs C, and Mrs Dryden are online throughout the day if you have any questions or just want to pop in for a chat.

  • There are extra create tasks to complete - We love seeing your creativity shine in these so keep them coming.

  • Read feedback that teachers leave and REPLY (do not resolve).

Awa News - Thursday 2 September 2021

Today we are very excited as we are going to have a special visitor in our google meet. Remember our special visitor has requested that we need to bring along a plastic bottle. Mrs Gardiner has tallied up our recent blog posts and will share this at our morning meeting too. Today would be a great day to finish off all create tasks you have been working on ready to blog these tomorrow.

We have loved seeing people create using Minecraft, Lego, and other materials as well as creating extra Awa news bulletins, recording themselves reading stories, and creating rewindable learning moments in Te Reo. Well done everyone. Remember all these things are a part of your learning and would be great to capture and share on your blog.

Remember ...

  • YOU DON"T HAVE TO WAIT TILL FRIDAY TO BLOG - Blog as you go, it is probably easier.

  • Your teachers often will leave you feedback on your work so read this, act on the feedback.

  • Mrs G, Mrs C, and Mrs Dryden are online throughout the day if you have any questions or just want to pop in for a chat.

  • There are extra create tasks to complete - We love seeing your creativity shine in these so keep them coming.

  • Read feedback that teachers leave and REPLY (do not resolve).

Today we have an extra hangout.

1pm - Library session.

Tomorrow's Google Meet: Our google meet tomorrow will have a special visitor who we are super excited about. We will need to bring a plastic bottle for this. Our google meet may go a bit longer tomorrow because of this.

Awa News - Wednesday 1 September 2021

Well, today we have a fun morning google meet planned. We are going to be candling the eggs we have in our incubator so we can see which eggs are developing chickens. For this morning's google meet it would be a great idea to bring along a piece of paper and a pen/pencil so we can record our findings. This afternoon we also have science again with Mrs Dryden and we will revisit our bouncy egg experiment. I know the ones we have sitting on our bench have definitely been reacting with the vinegar and bubbling away.

Remember ...

  • Mrs G, Mrs C and Mrs Dryden are online throughout the day if you have any questions or just want to pop in for a chat.

  • There are extra create tasks to complete - We love seeing your creativity shine in these so keep them coming.

  • Read feedback that teachers leave and REPLY (do not resolve).

Today we have an extra hangout.

1pm - Mrs Dryden will run a science session.

Tomorrow's Google Meet: Our google meet tomorrow will have a special visitor who we are super excited about. We will need to bring a plastic bottle for this. Our google meet may go a bit longer tomorrow because of this.

Awa News - Tuesday 31 August 2021

Yesterday the Prime Minister announced that northland will remain at Level 4 until Thursday at 11.59pm provided we continue to get negative covid samples between now and then. This is exciting news for everyone. For us learning this week, everything will remain the same for the remainder of the week. Mrs Edwards sent out a form for parents to complete so please encourage parents to check emails and do this.

We had some fantastic News Reports sent to us yesterday. If there were some that didn't get published please send Mrs G an email so we can pop that up today. We have also had a few people put their hands up to do news updates for later in the week and we really appreciate this as it's great to have different people posting daily news for our site.

Today we have a couple of extra hangouts.

1pm - Mrs Dryden will run a TeReo session

1.30pm - Mrs Dixon would like to catch up with Production Main Characters.

Awa News - Monday 30 August 2021

On Friday the Prime Minister announced that on Tuesday at 11.59pm Auckland and Northland will remain at level 4 while the rest of New Zealand will move to alert level 3. This means that for the time being we will continue with our online learning.

Last week was a huge success with how we all worked together to help and support each other, so a big well done to everyone.

All work can be viewed from our timetable below but ALL slides are shared with you in your DRIVE.

Today we have a couple of extra hangouts.

11:30am - Mrs G will run a session on recording and uploading your Awa News Updates to drive.

1pm - Mrs Dryden will run a science session.

Reminder: that it would be great to have little 'kiwi kids' clips emailed to Mrs G (and shared in google drive - pop it in your media folder).

Awa News - Friday 27 August 2021

Thanks Ivy K for the Awa Lockdown News update! Well done everyone for we have all made it to the end of our first full week of lockdown 2021 style. It has been amazing to see all the creativity and effort you are all putting into your learning and we are looking forward to the announcement this afternoon so we can know what we are doing next week.

Today we plan to have Garden to Table like we normally do on a Friday but in the comfort of your own home. And now your parents get to see and feel the magic of Garden to Table. Mrs Clarke and Mrs Gardiner would also like for you to blog one thing for each of the areas of reading, writing and maths. This might be by downloading one page of the slide as a PNG and then adding a blurb to explain what you are learning and also what your liked about the task.

I am still wanting to know the answer to how can we work out if their is a chicken developing inside an egg?

Today we have an extra hangout.

11:30am - Mrs G will run a session on uploading to your blog.

Reminder: that it would be great to have little 'kiwi kids' clips emailed to Mrs G (and shared in google drive - pop it in your media folder).

Awa News - Thursday 26 August 2021

Well done everyone for doing such a great job of getting to our hangouts and completing your online learning activities. Thanks everyone for getting back to Mrs G with information on how long eggs need to be incubated. What temperature. What humidity. and if we need to turn the eggs? We now know that the eggs need to be at 37.5 Degrees Celcius and have humidity set to 55%. We also know that they take 21 days to hatch and we need to stop turning them at day 18.

Another question we have is how can we work out if their is a chicken developing inside an egg?

Today we have 2 extra hangouts.

11:30am - Mrs G will run a session on creating your Awa Class News Update (optional)

1pm - Aimee will run a library session for us. If you have a book you would like to read or share please bring it with you.

Reminder: that it would be great to have little 'kiwi kids' clips emailed to Mrs G (and shared in google drive - pop it in your media folder).

Awa News - Tuesday 24 August 2021

Yesterday we had a fantastic Google Meet with lots of students joining online at 9:45. Our meeting time each day will be and 9.45am and our nickname (code) is Awa.

Today we are hoping to have lots of sharing about how to incubate eggs as we want to get the incubator turned on ASAP. Questions that would be fantastic to have answered are... How long do eggs need to be incubated? What temperature? What humidity? Do we need to turn the eggs? Do we have to stop turning the eggs? How and when can we tell if a chicken is growing inside an egg.

Reminder: that it would be great to have little 'kiwi kids' clips emailed to Mrs G (and shared in google drive - pop it in your media folder).

Awa News - Monday 23 August 2021

Over the weekend your teachers have been very busy creating packs to send home and organising contactless pickups of both these packs and devices. We are excited about seeing you all online at 9:45 this morning. Our nickname (code) is Awa.

In our google meet we will have time to catch up, and chat about our learning for Monday. Remember to mute your microphone before entering the google meet. Headphones are a great idea as it stops lots of feedback. Apart from our google meet time you can set your day up as you feel comfortable and complete learning at your own pace. There will also be a teacher in the google meet link until midday if you need extra help as you go. To log back in just use the same code.

Reminder: that it would be great to have little 'kiwi kids' clips emailed to Mrs G (and shared in google drive - pop it in your media folder).

Awa News - Friday 20th August 2021

Nakita seems to be keeping on with this Awa Lockdown News Idea, so this is becoming part of her morning routine. Collecting facts, writing her script, and then recording herself, and then filing it in her media folder so she can share it to her blog. If anyone else would like to start creating these we would love to see them. Just remember to file them in your media file. Mrs G would love to have people share a photo of them in their family bubbles. These can be emailed to Mrs G .

Mrs Clarke and Mrs Gardiner are enjoying seeing people start to share their work with us. It is great to see you all enjoying your lockdown learning. Again the main focus of learning in our Level 4 bubbles, is having fun together.

We are looking forward to the announcement at 3pm today to find out what is happening with the alert levels.

Reminder: that it would be great to have little 'kiwi kids' clips emailed to Mrs G (and shared in google drive - pop it in your media folder).

Awa News - Thursday 19th August 2021

Please bear in mind that this is a student-made video (mum was doing admin stuff). It is a great idea and we welcome students to do this for themselves to keep a record of what they are doing in lockdown.

A reminder that for the rest of this week we are focusing on bugs and there are some activities on our timetable below to inspire you in your learning. Your teachers would love to see your work so remember to share this with us. This could be photos, emails, or something else. Remember that for these activities you do not require a device and as it looks like such a lovely day make the most of this opportunity to get outside and do some fun outdoor activities relating to your learning. Kia Kaha and stay safe.

Again the main focus of learning in our Level 4 bubbles, is having fun together.

Reminder: that it would be great to have little 'kiwi kids' clips emailed to Mrs G (or shared in google drive - pop it in your media folder).

Awa News - Thursday 18th August 2021

Please bear in mind that this is a student-made video (mum was doing admin stuff). It was a great idea and we welcome students to do this for themselves even.

This week's plan is designed that devices are not required and that you and your child have the flexibility in how and when you complete tasks. If you have other great ideas please feel free to let us know as well. The main focus is having fun together with a little bit of fun learning added into the mix.