Industrial Arts/STEM/Panther Media

The mission of OGM STEM courses are to introduce, encourage and teach students in a hands-on educational setting.

This class will conduct experiments that promote discussion and curiosity about  science and engineering concepts. 

The focus is to "home-grow" a group of technically minded individuals who are self starting in STEM problem solving situations. 

This year we are making major improvements to the curriculum utilizing PLTW coursework and to  the Wood lab (shop).

 Mr. Zerr

Hello and welcome!  I am excited to take on a leadership role in teaching your child at Oak Grove Middle School.

I am a western Kansas native and a graduate of Fort Hays State University (BS and MS) and Pittsburg State University (EdS).  

I have extensive experience in the practical arts with a focus on science and engineering. I enjoy the application of technical equipment and science principles. In addition to teaching I have had the honor of coaching and mentoring hundreds of students in various middle and high school after school leadership competitions. Working with student to compete at local, state and national levels has been very rewarding.  Their success continues to inspire me to be a better person and educator. 

Sports and similar hobbies are a part of my life. I have coached football, track with wrestling being my favorite sport to coach.  

My wife, Donna, taught elementary children and was a high school principal for 18 years. Dr. Zerr is currently a professor at Pittsburg State University and Kansas University.  Our adult children, Mariah, Riley and Cade are PSU and KU graduates. They are currently pursuing advanced medical and business degrees. 







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