
Mrs. Becker

I have been teaching at Oak Grove for twenty years. I taught fifth grade for the first 19 years. During the last two years in fifth grade, I incorporated Genius Hour into my curriculum. It was a great experience, and I was truly inspired by how the students were engaged, were responsible for their own learning, and how their excitement for school increased. .

I was really excited to take on the position teaching Genius Hour in the junior high this year. In the morning I teach 6-8 grade Genius Hour/Independent Studies. In the afternoons, I am able to go into the K-8 classrooms to work with teachers and students as an Instructional Coach. We work collaboratively on lesson ideas, projects, hands-on learning, and innovative ideas. I enjoy the opportunity to help the teachers be able to engage and empower their students.

On a personal note, I have been married to my husband, Rich, for 25 years this coming summer! We have two awesome daughters, Hannah and Sydney. Hannah is out of the house working as a music therapist, and Sydney is a sophomore in college. When we are all together, we enjoy watching movies and playing board games. We have a cat named Maggie, who is pretty much the queen of the house.

My favorite vacations are spent with family in Oregon and Washington. Rich and I are excited to be going out east this summer!

I love to read and spend time with family and friends.