Revolutionary War
Research Unit
You must use a minimum of one encyclopedia
Britannica School: Elementary OR Middle
Columbia Encyclopedia | Infoplease
Funk & Wagnall's New World Encyclopedia
Select Websites
You must use a minimum of two of the websites on this list.
American Revolution Figures-Famous Historical Leaders
American Revolution Heroes-a List of 15
American Revolution History-Boston Tea Party Ships
The American Revolution-(Important People)
The American Revolution | People
American Spies of the Revolution | George Washington's Mount Vernon
Biographies | National Women's History Museum
Digital History - American Revolution People
Famous Americans of the Revolutionary War | Revolutionar War
Famous Loyalists | Constitution Facts
Founding Fathers-National Constitution Center
Heroes and Patriots-Legends of America
Journal of the American Revolution: History, Culture, Politics, War
Meet the Framers of the Constitution | National Archives
Meet the Women of the American Revolution-Women in the World
Revolutionary War-Central Intelligence Agency
Revolutionary War Generals | Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War Soliders | Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War Spies-a List of 11
Revolutionary War Spies-HISTORY
Revolutionary War Spies | Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War Women | Revolutionary War
Women in the American Revolution | Amerian Battlefield Trust