Student Swag

October 28th, 2020

Dear OFL Capistrano Parents/Guardians,

Carta en español incluida

Orange County is currently in Tier 2 of the California Blueprint for Safer Economy ( which means Schools within Orange County may open for in-person instruction with the appropriate clearance from the County.

We will be offering structured cohorts (under the CA dept of health recommendations( ) starting Tuesday November 3rd. If your student is participating in the first cohort you will be contacted by email/call from a staff member with their specific time to come into the center.

OFL Capistrano has evaluated the conditions on-site and has made the necessary modifications to return to in-person instruction. The following measures have been implemented as staff and student safety is our highest priority during this transition:

  • Health screen and temperature checks upon entry for all staff, students and visitors

  • Face covering policy which requires all occupants wear a face covering at all times in or around campus

  • Reconfigured student appointment blocks observing student cohorts to allow for a reduced daily occupancy and to minimize potential exposures

  • Grab and Go school lunches

  • Increased cleaning of high-touch surfaces

  • Plexiglass barriers placed at teacher/student tables

In an effort to further limit the potential spread of COVID-19, OFL Capistrano asks that parents/guardians monitor their child for any symptoms noted on the handout provided and keep students home as recommended. Any individual who has a temperature of 100.4F or any symptoms noted on the health screening will not be permitted entry. Any students who develop symptoms during their appointment time will be isolated and arrangements will be made to return home. Students who have been exposed to an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 or have tested positive to COVID-19 themself should stay home and contact the Assistant Principal, Jessica Boucher at 949-922-0201 as soon as possible.

You will be receiving communication through school messenger, remind text, email and phone calls as we start offering more cohorts each day of the week. It is the choice of the parent or student if you choose to remain in a distant learning format. We want to ensure safety of students and staff throughout this whole process.

To help with questions and to give clarity, we will be offering an informal question/ answer session with the Assistant Principal Jessica Boucher via zoom:

Monday November 2nd at 6pm via zoom: you can click this link or in your web browser navigate to click on join meeting and enter meeting ID# 860 2499 7788

Please feel free to contact the school if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing your child on campus soon.


OFL Administration

Nancy Tiscareno Principal/ Jessica Boucher Assistant Principal

Student Symptom Tree

Student Symptom Decision Tree.pdf

Return to Site Information

return to site learning.pdf

Letter in Spanish

Spanish - cohorts parent letter.pdf

Opportunities for Learning - Capistrano

Phone: (949) 248-1282

Call will go to voicemail, the voicemail will be sent to the appropriate staff member

Fax: (949) 248-2450