
Video Ad

This ad was played over a course of several months during the drive in movie theater season in 2022.

Our Ohio Weekly Podcast Episode

Starting at 42:20 - County Farm Bureau’s in east central Ohio are taking a different approach to Mental Health awareness. Organization Director Trevor Kirkpatrick shares how a check engine light is making the connection to mental health for area farmers.

News Paper Story

Farm and Dairy, located in Eastern Ohio, developed a story about the Check Your Engine project. Click image to see more.

News Broadcast

An Eastern Ohio news station covered the development of the Check Your Engine project. Click image to see more.

2023 American Farm Bureau Annual Convention

San Juan, Puerto Rico - The Check Your Engine project was recognized as one of 24 projects selected in the country for a County Activity of Excellence by the American Farm Bureau Federation. While at the convention, volunteer were able to network with others about the project and learn how other states are addressing rural mental health.

Talking Total Farmer Health Podcast

The host of Talking Total Farmer Health podcast interviews our volunteers about how the project is going and what it is intended for. Click the image to hear more!