What is RULER?

RULER is an evidence-based approach to social-emotional learning (SEL) that teaches the skills of emotional intelligence and supports the school community in:

Developed at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, RULER stands 


RECOGNIZING emotions in oneself and others 

UNDERSTANDING the causes and consequences of emotions 

LABELING emotions with a nuanced vocabulary

EXPRESSING emotions in accordance with cultural norms and social context

REGULATING emotions with helpful strategies

By integrating these principles into education, RULER helps reduce problematic behavior, build positive relationships, and boost academic achievement. 

Emotions Matter 

Research shows that emotions (and what we do with them) influence:

At home, at school, and at work!

RULER is not just for students, but adults too!

By recognizing the importance of emotions in our daily effectiveness, RULER seeks to integrate emotional intelligence principles into the very fabric of each school. This approach influences how leaders lead, teachers teach, students learn, and families support students.

How RULER Works Brochure for Families- from Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence 

How is RULER Implemented at Odyssey

Adult Personal and Professional Awareness: RULER starts with teachers, school leaders, and staff members in our school community learning and practicing emotional intelligence skills. We begin with the adults because to teach and model these skills effectively, we must use them ourselves. 

Student Integration: Students begin the first six weeks of school with daily RULER lessons. After this initial period, RULER lessons are scheduled every Friday. Throughout the school day, students consistently use RULER tools, such as checking in on the Mood Meter to recognize and manage their emotions, using Meta-Moments to be their best selves, and employing Blueprint reflections to handle conflicts with peers. These practices help students build and maintain emotional intelligence, enhancing their personal and social interactions.

As we practice and improve our skills, we observe the positive effects emotional intelligence has on our relationships with families, friends, and colleagues. The more we incorporate emotional intelligence into our daily lives, the better we can model these skills.


What is Social Emotional Learning (SEL)?

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and mangage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions (CASEL 2024).

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence is what we “do” with our emotions. It is the guide to understanding the role of our emotions, the information we gain from them and our ability to manage them. These are skills we need to be successful at home, at school, at work, and in life.

Odyssey RULER Videos

Conversation Starters About Emotions

Conversation starters are intended to encourage your family to discuss social and emotional skills at home. These activities come in three categories: "Talk About It," "Do It Together," and "Did You Notice?"

Download the conversation starters tailored to your child's age by clicking the links below.

Conversation Starters Grades K-1 

Conversation Starters Grades 2-3 

Conversation Starters Grades 4 and up 


The RULER program emphasizes four essential tools that students, staff, and parents should master. These tools are designed for use not only in the classroom but also in everyday life.

Strategies for Enhancing Family Bonds

To foster stronger family relationships, it's important to recognize, understand, label, express, and regulate emotions. Here are some practical tips to improve emotional well-being and strengthen family connections.

Explore these valuable strategies that everyone can implement to support better family dynamics. Click the links below to download your tipsheet.

Family Tip Sheet 

RULER Overview 

The Mood Meter:

The Mood Meter is a tool designed to enhance self and social awareness for people of all ages. It helps us comprehend how our emotions impact our thoughts and behavior, enabling us to recognize, label, and manage our full range of emotions more effectively. These skills improve our interactions with others and help us make better life choices. Emotions can be understood as a combination of our level of pleasantness and the amount of energy we have

Mood Meter Overview 

The Mood Meter- UNH 

Resources By Grade

Kindergarten 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Middle School

The Charter:

The Classroom Charter builds and sustains positive emotional climates by creating agreed-upon norms for how people want to feel and how they help each other to experience those feelings.

The Charter is guided by two questions:

1. How do you want to feel when we’re together?

2. How will we help each other have these feelings more often

The Charter Overview 

Creating a Family Charter 

Resources By Grade

Kindergarten 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Middle School

Charter Examples:

The Meta-Moment:

The Meta-Moment is a process that helps us extend the time between being triggered and responding. By taking Meta-Moments, we stay true to our values over time. With practice, our responses become more deliberate and skillful. Even in intense emotional situations, we can pause, envision our 'best self,' and select a constructive strategy.

Step 1: Sense

Step 2: Pause

Step 3: See your "best self"

Step 4: Strategize and act

Step 5: Debrief

The Meta-Moment Overview 

Resources By Grade

Kindergarten 1st 2nd 3rd 4th   Middle School

The Blueprint:

The Blueprint supports the development of empathy and conflict resolution skills by serving as a guide for reflecting on conflict and restoring effects. The Blueprint offers a series of questions that can be applied to nearly any conflict situation. First, you answer the questions from your own perspective, then you reflect on the same questions from the viewpoint of the other person involved. 

1. What happened?

2. How did I feel?

3. What caused my feelings?

4. How did I express and regulate my emotions?

5. How might my actions have affected others?

6. Next time, keeping my Best Self in mind, how might I respond differently?

The Blueprint Overview 

Resources By Grade

Kindergarten 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Middle School

Additional RULER Information

Recommended Reading from RULER


Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning-

RULER Online

University of New Hampshire-