Classroom Information
"Please Do" List for Preschoolers
Dress your child in clothes that are “play ready,” these clothes can get messy, and they are easy to run around in on the playground.
Send in lunches that do not require heating. We do not have the ability to heat lunches. If your child prefers a warm lunch, try using a thermos – they often keep foods such as rice or pasta warm until lunch time.
Send in a water bottle filled with water each day.
Send in a family photo! If you haven’t yet given your child’s teacher a photo, then please do! It is a wonderful way for you to stay in your child’s mind during the day and a great way for your child to share your family with us!
Say “goodbye” to your child in the morning and be consistent in your routine. Even though goodbyes can sometimes be difficult for both family and child, it is important for your child to know that you are leaving. If not, they can become more upset if they can’t find you later.
Please LABEL all of your child’s belongings! Thank you!
Classroom Snack Information

Daily Schedule