Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Find information and answers to frequently asked questions about the summer program. 

 What are the hours of the program? 

The day runs from 8:00am-1:00pm, with drop off beginning at 7:30am every day. 

Are meals provided? 

Lunch and a snack are provided daily to students free of charge. If your child would rather bring in their own lunch and snack they are welcome to do so. Breakfast will not be provided during the summer program. 

 Is there MELC after school?

No, unfortunately there is no MELC provided this summer.  All children will need to be picked up promptly at the end of program time each day. 

Is transportation provided?

There will be no transportation provided for any students during the summer program. All students attending must have their own transportation to and from the program. 

 What does my child need to bring with them daily?

A water bottle, sunscreen, come wearing clothes and shoes they can play and move around in, and an excitement for summer fun!

Will there be a nurse on staff this summer? 

Yes we will have a full time school nurse on staff with the summer program. The nurse will be in attendance when students are in the building and will go on field trips with us. If your child needs daily medication or an inhaler please make sure to send those in with appropriate medical documentation. 

Can my child attend different weeks than I originally registered for? 

Unfortunately no. We are so grateful for the interest we had in our program, but are maxed out at full capacity so students are unable to switch weeks from what they orginally registered for. 

What safety measures are in place for this summer regarding COVID-19? 

Wearing a mask in/out of the school building is optional. 

Students will be reminded to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer after touching or removing their mask.

What do I do if my child isn't feeling well?

Staff and students exhibiting any of the below symptoms, or feeling ill, should call their medical provider to report their symptoms and ask about testing prior to seeking in-person care at a clinic, physician’s office, or hospital.

Below is the list of COVID-19 symptoms for which everyone should monitor in their family members:

For additional information on COVID-19 symptoms, please see: