Join Us

Sign Up

Interested in joining the network? Use the form below to indicate your interest in joining. 

Please note you MUST work for a public school division in Virginia or one of the VDOE sponsored centers to join. You must also either be a current behavior analyst or have started coursework to become a behavior analyst. Once you submit your request to join, your information will be reviewed to verify you eligibility to join the network. If you meet the criteria, you will be added to the network contact list.

Not eligible to become a network member, but still want to stay informed? 

If you do not meet the criteria to be a network member, but would like to receive general information emails from VAPSBAN about relevant events, developments, and news, please complete the form below to add your name to our email list.  

Network members do not need to complete this form.

Email Us

For general inquiries, please email us at