Department of Physics

Old Dominion University

4600 Elkhorn Ave

Norfolk, VA 23529, USA

OCNPS, Rm: 327


Office Phone:

trogers [at]

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Find links to the Python4Physics program here

My research interests are in the fields of perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), nucleon structure, and the foundations of Quantum Field Theory. I am especially interested in applications to high energy particle collisions. Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the fundamental theory of the strong nuclear force. It describes how elementary particles like quarks and gluons interact and bind to form hadrons like protons and neutrons. QCD calculations are essential in diverse areas of theoretical particle and nuclear physics.  I am currently focused on understanding the so-called QCD "factorization theorems," which allow the intrinsic quark and gluon properties of hadrons to be examined in the context of complex collisions.

My work complements experimental efforts at Jefferson Lab, where data from particle collisions are studied to obtain information about the ways fundamental quark and gluon interactions determine the properties of ordinary matter.