
The Platform

The SkrubHub platform is a community-driven space where users can create, collaborate, and innovate together. Users are given a wide range of different media formats to learn about cyber hygiene these can consist of videos, articles, games, and labs.


SkrubHub's marketplace is the open market for all cyber hygiene products. Imagine you just created a new anti-virus software. Well, the SkrubHub Marketplace would be the perfect place to promote your new cyber hygiene product! The Marketplace incentivizes users to innovate and constantly make new cyber products. 

Pwn Bucks

Pwn Bucks are the currency of SkrubHub. You can use Pwn Bucks to buy helpful cyber hygiene products such as VPNS, Password managers, and or host-based IDS. In addition, you can use Pwn Bucks for digital swag.


More experienced SkrubHub users can use our Attack&Deffend service to sharpen their cyber hygiene skills in a fun and rewarding way. Play with friends or compete for Pwn Bucks.

A password generator is a simple algorithm that helps with creating a strong password. The user inputs two words and a number that he finds memorable. The password generator does the rest. It adds two random characters and capitalizes two random letters and gives you three passwords to choose from. Don't like the result? Run it again! 

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This password generator is an example of a tool that could be uploaded directly onto SkrubHub that users would be able to easily access. No downloads are necessary — it can be used directly on the website! The uploader can receive PwnBucks for well-received projects, and the community can leave feedback and advice. The coder is awarded for their efforts and learns from others, and the users of SkrubHub get access to their program. It's a win-win for everyone!

SkrubHub is Making Waves!

Why SkrubHub?

SkrubHub offers an experience like no other; it's a community-based, content-hosting, creation, and education platform with gamified learning with user-submitted ideas and modules. Cyber hygiene by the people for the people!

There are sites that offer similar tools: GitHub is used to share code, Roblox is used to play and make games, HackTheBox and TryHackMe are educational... but SkrubHub takes these aspects and rolls them into one. There's nothing quite like SkrubHub on the market!

Join SkrubHub and get squeaky clean today!