Post Secondary Exploration
A look into Post Secondary Options
Your Task:
Based on your sector(s) of interest
Participate -review the pathway options and explore post secondary options related to your sector that may be of interest to you. Prior to watching the videos and exploring the websites review the Post Secondary Options Worksheet so that you may reflect as you watch the videos if you choose. Students should download the file and save it with their name in front of the file name.
Reflect - complete the Reflective section of the Post Secondary Options included, summarizing how your perspective has changed
Apply - complete the Apply section of the Post Secondary Options included, summarizing how you acted on your new knowledge and set goals for next steps.
Save - include this information in your Individual Pathways Plan
Share - submit your findings to your SHSM Lead as proof of participation and completion of this experience. It is also a good idea to consider discussing this with your parents / guardians and guidance counsellor.
Introduction to Post-Secondary Pathways
Post Secondary Options:
This is the time to consider all of your options and decide what to do next. You may choose any one of or a combination of the following options:
Some may also consider to volunteer in their community as well. In order to make an educated decision take the time to consider all of your options.
Pathways Options
Review your pathway options