OES Humanities Playlists

I know what a playlist is, but why am I using it at school?

These aren't the kind of playlists you're used to using for music or videos (although there are some of those things in them). These playlists provide choices for you to use when practicing the skills that will help you in Humanities!

How do I use these playlists?

You will have time most days in Humanities to visit the resources on this website and practice the skills that they can help you with. Some days you will focus more on Reading & Writing. Other days you will focus on Geography or Research. No matter which skill you are practicing, there will be many different options for you to choose from to do your practice!

Do I always get to choose the resources I will be using during this time?

There will be some days when Mr. Chadburn or Miss Gratton will ask you to start with a specific resource or practice a specific skill, but most days you will have some choice in what you are using.

Will the choices always be the same?

Throughout the year, we will change the resources that are available to you. We may just add on to the current resources, or we may replace some that don't seem as useful to our class. Either way, new resources will appear over time.

Okay, I think I get it. But can you explain why we are doing this?

In order to do some of the really fun and exciting stuff that we want to do this year, everyone needs to practice some basic skills that will help them be successful. By creating these playlists we hope to give you some choice in how you practice those skills, as well as offer you a lot of different ways to explore how the skills can be used.

Take some time to think about how you learn best. Which types of activities are most helpful for you? What are you doing at school when you feel most successful? Thinking about those questions will help you make good decisions with these playlists!