Frequently Asked Questions!

Got questions? We have answers! If we do not address your specific questions here, please feel free to reach out to Brandy Anderson at

What does my child need to bring with them to Summer Adventure?

Daily items to bring include a backpack, lunch, water, morning snack, and comfortable shoes. Indoor and outdoor play is the highlight every day, so please dress accordingly. Supplies leftover from the school year can be brought on the first day your child attends.

Does my child need a lunch?

Yes, your child will need to bring a lunch every day (please no microwavable meals). Our cafeteria will not be open during summer hours.

How do I bring medicine for my child?

If your child has a prescription that needs to be taken daily, please fill out this form. The medication will need to be given to Brandy Anderson or Laura Fredrickson in the original bottle along with this form. Your local pharmacy will be able to give you a bottle for school. You will be notified when the medication is running low.

For other medications (Tums, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, etc.), you will be notified if these medications have been requested and can give permission to treat.

Is there any special information about field trips?

Your child will ride the bus to and from field trips. While times may vary for field trips, students must be on campus before the busses load and need to be picked up after they return to campus.

Adventurers must wear the Summer Adventure t-shirt on field trip days.

My child is enrolled in an OCS sports camp. What do we do?

We love to work with our coaches to ensure our kids have the best summer! Please inform us of the camp(s) they are enrolled in. We will work together to coordinate transportation to and from camp each day for you!

Where do I drop off and pick up my child?

OCS Summer Adventure will be located in the elementary building. Both drop off and pick up will be at the cafeteria doors located in the back of the elementary building. Our flexible hours of 7:30am-5:30pm will allow families to set their own summer schedule to meet their needs. Our Summer Adventure staff will be waiting inside the south doors to welcome your children!

Please note that on field trip days, your child will need to wear their Summer Adventure t-shirt and be on campus prior to the departure time for that field trip.

Times may vary, but will be communicated in various ways.