Fruit Mania

Assignment 1 - Fruit Mania

In his assignment, we had to create a game about clicking on fruits to get points but also avoid clicking the bombs. Whenever you click on a bomb, you would lose some points and also a life. When you lose 3 lives you have to restart the game.

Rubric Folder

Game Maker File

EXE folder

Screen shots

Help screen

Intro Screen

Level 1

Level 2

Win screen

Lose screen

List of sprites, objects, etc

Splash video

My Movie.wmv

Game Video

2018-09-18 at 14-27-21.mp4

Personal Evaluation

Help Screen - 4

Intro Screen - 4

Level 1 - 4

Level 2 - 3

Level 3 - NA

add additional levels if applicable

Extras in the game - 4

Win Screen - 4

Lose Screen - 4

Scoring System/Icon Display- 3

Bugs in the Game

I could fill the high score tab with the same person

One thing you think you did a great job on

The concept for level 2 was good I think

One thing you think should be improved

Add more different enemies.

Any upgrades above and beyond the required elements

I added back buttons for the tutorial, win screen and lose screen. I added a high score button in the intro screen. I added a bat sprite and object for level 2. I added owls with sounds whenever it hits the bat. I added background sound for level 2.

One thing you would add or change if you had more time

I would ind another background level 2.

Changes you made to your game as a result of Peer Evaluations

I made it so you can't spam the same person in the high score.

Any Final Comment about the Game

I could have put more effort into it.

Reviews I Received from Other People

Review # 1 - Faisal

Help Screen- 4

Intro Screen- 4

Level 1- 3

Level 2- 4

Level 3- NA

Extras in the game-4

Win Screen- 4

Lose Screen- 3

Scoring System/Icon Display- 4

Bugs in the Game

No Bugs were found

One thing you think you did a great job on

One did you did great on was how creative you were.

One thing you think should be improved

Less Bombs because it is too hard to win.

Any upgrades above and beyond the required elements

I was able to click on the help screen.

Review # 2 - Ishani

Game URL:

Help Screen - 3

Intro Screen - 4

Level 1 -4

Level 2 -3

Level 3 - NA

add additional levels if necessary

Extras in the game -4

Win Screen -3

Lose Screen - 3

Scoring System/Icon Display-3

Bugs in the Game

-It is a bit slow.

One Thing you Really Liked

- I really like the idea of level two

Final comment

It was a creative and good game

Review # 3 - Andy

Game URL:

Help Screen - (4)

Intro Screen - (4)

Level 1 - (4)

Level 2 - (4)

Level 3 - (NA)

Extras in the game - (4)

Win Screen - (3)

Lose Screen - (3)

Scoring System/Icon Display- (NA 1 2 3 4)

Bugs in the Game:

You can spam the high score button once you win the game, and your name will save every time on the scoreboards, which fills the scoreboard with the same person.

One thing you think you did a great job on:

I think the creativity of the second level and the buttons were the best things he did in his game because the buttons were consistently the same font, colour, and size.

One thing you think should be improved:

The game play on the second level feels really choppy.

Any Final Comment about the Game:

The game is sweet and short, just like yourself Tony :)

Reviews I Completed

Evaluatior's Name: Tony

Programmer's Name: Raphael

Game URL:https: //

Help Screen - 4

Intro Screen - 3

Level 1 - 3

Level 2 - 3

Level 3 - NA

add additional levels if necessary

Extras in the game - 3

Win Screen - 4

Lose Screen - 4

Scoring System/Icon Display- 3

Bugs in the Game

Health bar shows only 1 life instead of 3 lives

One Thing you Really Liked

I like the win and lose screens

One Thing you Think Should be Improved

Make the concept for level 2 different from the first level

Final Comment about the Game

Second level sprites were nice

Evaluator's Name: Tony

Programmer's Name: Brody

Game URL:

Help Screen - 4

Intro Screen - 3

Level 1 - 3

Level 2 - 4

Level 3 - NA

add additional levels if necessary

Extras in the game - 4

Win Screen - 3

Lose Screen - 3

Scoring System/Icon Display- 3

Bugs in the Game

The banana can bounce off the wall in level 2

One Thing you Really Liked

Level 2 was well made

One Thing you Think Should be Improved

Make it so the banana doesn't bounce off the wall in level 2

Final Comment about the Game

Level 2 was smart

Evaluator's Name: Tony

Programmer's Name: Mathew

Game URL:https: //

Help Screen - 2

Intro Screen - 3

Level 1 - 4

Level 2 - 3

Level 3 -4

add additional levels if necessary

Extras in the game - 3

Win Screen - 3

Lose Screen - 3

Scoring System/Icon Display- 4

Bugs in the Game

You can fill the scoreboard with the same person

One Thing you Really Liked

The enemies where good

One Thing you Think Should be Improved

Make it less repetitive

Final Comment about the Game

Nice job