Fruit Bowl Animation

Fruit Movie.mp4

Fruit bowl animation

zooms in on the bulletin board

a fe'i banana goes through the papers on the board and lands in the bowl

zooms out

a orange stick man walks to the knock knock fridge from off screen

the stick man knocks twice on the knock knock fridge the grabs his mug

the stick man walks over to the counter to put the mug down

when this is happening a fe'i banana in the fridge starts having sparkles dance around it

when the stick man puts the mug on the counter the fe'i banana teleports into the bowl

the stick man was scared by this ran off screen but he was not careful so he shook the ground

this made the 3D heart to fall and hit the plumcot

the plumcot rolls of the shelf and lands in the water dispenser on the fridge which in fact is a cannon (don't ask how or why)

the water dispenser cannon falls then shoots the plumcot at the cabinet and falls into the bowl

what could happen if I had more time

the cabinet opens showing the lumber truck, the truck backs out of the cabinet then falls with the last fe'i banana in it

the banana falls into the bowl and the truck lands on the counter

the truck drives into the microwave opening it revealing the mouse eating the three pineberries

the mouse unhappily puts the pineberries into the bowl, then it climbs up to the other cabinet where the yuzu is

the mouse pushes the yuzu on to the truck which puts the yuzu into the bowl

zooms in to the bowl