Grade 11/12 Social Science and Humanities

Grade 11/12 Social Science and Humanities

Courses in the social sciences and humanities explore the ways in which individuals influence and are influenced by families, communities, cultures, institutions, and societies, and by ideas, norms, and values. Courses in this area shed light on a variety of social structures, institutions, relationships, and power dynamics. Students are exposed to social theories, specialized concepts, and research findings, as well as a range of tools related to investigation and analysis, to help them understand themselves, their families, their communities, and society as they strive to find meaning in the world around them.

Social sciences and humanities courses provide students with essential knowledge and transferable skills that are applicable in various areas of their lives – in their personal and family lives as well as in their postsecondary studies and in the workplace.

St Pius X students who take courses in the Social Sciences and Humanities will be exposed to real life learning! From learning how to care for infants using the “Real Care Baby '' system in HPC 3O, to proper culinary skills and food preparation in HFA 4U/C, these students are learning skills that will set them up for success! Students in our senior social sciences class will focus their studies of the family and society around the integrated fields of sociology, psychology and anthropology. From personal money management in HIP 4O to debating the speed and consequences of change in HSB 4U, students in this department can expect engaging and lasting learning experiences!

  • HPC3O - Raising Healthy Children (Open)

  • HSP3C - Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology & Sociology (College)

  • HSP3U - Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology & Sociology (University)

  • HHS4C - Families in Canada (College)

  • HHS4U - Families in Canada (University)

  • HIP4O - Personal Life Management (Open)

  • HSB4U - Challenge & Change in Society (University)

  • HFA4U - Nutrition and Health (University)

  • HFA4C - Nutrition and Health (College)