
Dear young authors and illustrators,

You are asked to write a creative story in the style of your choosing. Therefore, you can select from a variety of genres (comedy, action, horror, mystery, science fiction, animal adventure, fairy tale, etc.). Your story must meet the criteria listed in the attached rubric, so read it carefully.

This story should reflect your personality so have fun with it. You just may surprise yourself.

Your Creative story needs a title page (including picture, title, your name, and due date). As well, your story must between 3-6 pages

This assignment will be broken into 4 parts. They are brainstorming, rough draft writing, editing, and final draft writing. Each of these parts will be due at different times, so pay close attention to the dates;

  • Brainstorming sheet is due January 17th
  • The rough draft is due January 31st
  • Your rough draft will be edited in class Feb. 3 - 5th and returned to you.
  • Your final draft will be due Feb. 7th.

Looking forward to enjoying a good read,

Mr. Knight