Mrs. Emond's grade 3 class

Welcome to our class website. Here is where you will find information about our classroom learning.

OUr Lenten Project

Help St. Martin de Porres raise money for three local charities

Participate in our fun filled spirit week and donate $5 using our school cash online!

February 18

Structures Stem Challenge

Our Winners

1st place Mackenzie

2nd place Marley

3rd place A tie between Clara & Brody and Lilian & Norah

February 16th

Buses are cancelled. Schools are OPEN!

Week of February 16th to 20th

Report cards will be available on the parent portal February 18th. Please note we will not be sending home paper report cards.


Please remember to dress for the weather. We have outdoor gym on Tuesdays and Thursdays and students go outside each day for an hour (2, 15 minute recesses and 1, 30 minute recess.

December 16th

Our first construction STEM challenge! The problem; Santa was stuck in a chimney. The challenge; Build a structure to help the elves pull Santa out. Check out all these great solutions to help get Santa out of the chimney!





December 11th

Did you know DECEMBER 7th to 11th is CODE week? Check out the Minecraft coding we did using blocks of code!


November 5th

October 16th

This Stem Challenged helped to build communication skills and positive collaboration. I was very impressed with the students perseverance and willingness to try.

September 30th

Just a reminder that Orange Shirt Day is today, September 30. This day is observed each year to honour Residential School survivors, those who did not survive and their descendants. It is an opportunity for schools and communities to come together in a spirit of reconciliation and hope. Please support this initiative by wearing an orange shirt!

September 24th

This week we have been taking advantage of the weather and have moved our learning outdoors!

September 16th

Please send in headphones for when we use Chromebooks.

September 11th

Our first Stem Challenge!

How we feel about the first week of school!

September 8th

Please take a moment to fill out this parent questionnaire.

Below is a list of suggested items for your child's return to school. If possible please add dry erase markers to your shopping list.