Grade 2/3 Update

Monday, March 23, 2020

We hope this finds everyone safe and healthy. During these challenging times the Grade 2/3 team will be working to support student learning at home. In the coming days during this time of “Schooling at Home”, information about learning modules will be released to students in accordance with direction from St. Leonard Administration. We will be using the Hapara platform which can be found on the student portal. Until this is fully set up, you can access a list of resources compiled by St Leonard staff members HERE.

The Education Minister has also provided information about online learning activities for families. These can be found HERE. Although we all recognize the concern of online learning content being unlike the benefits of a regular classroom, many of these activities will engage students and continue to challenge their thinking during this period where routines are disrupted and social distancing is a must.

Our team understands that this can be a challenging time for many families as we settle into new working, household and education conditions. We will be in touch with each family in the near future to ask if we can be of assistance to you and to make sure you are not in need of anything. We also need to ensure you have access to online learning (ie. computer/ tablet and wifi).

Your Partners in Education,

Grade 2/3 Team