Mr. Armstrong's Grade 4 Class


September 9, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome back to school! We are very excited to be back after the extended school closure. The Covid-19 pandemic has been challenging for everyone and we look forward to starting a new school year with positivity and with a return to routine. Many things will look different but we want to assure you that the routines, procedures and protocols will all be explained and followed. Together we will get through it!


Our names are Maya Tomczak, Karla Luchtenberg and Lloyd Armstrong and we will be your child’s teachers for the 2020/21 school year. Ms. Tomczak will be teaching English and Math in the afternoon. Mme. Luchtenberg will teach French, Visual Arts, Music and Social Studies. Mr. Armstrong will teach Physical Education, Health, Science, Drama, Dance, Religion and Family Life.


As mentioned, this year back to school will be very different. With the health and safety measures put in place, all students will be required to wear a non-medical mask while indoors at school. Please provide your child with 2 clean masks per day. Please label the masks with your child’s name and store in a Ziploc bag. A personal hand sanitizer bottle is also required. Your child will have the opportunity to refill their hand sanitizer bottle at school. A water bottle is also needed as the water fountains will be closed. Students will have access to the water filling station to refill water bottles as needed. For the time being, students are asked to not bring in a second pair of indoor shoes. This will be revisited as the weather changes. Students should wear athletic type shoes to school as they will still have Phys. Ed.


This year we have several students with life threatening allergies. In order to keep all students safe, please ensure that all snacks and lunches contain no peanuts/tree nuts.

Classrooms & School supplies

Your child will remain in the same classroom and same desk all day, therefore all of their belongings can remain at their desk. As there will be no sharing of any items, students are asked to have their own school supplies. Please ensure that all items are labelled.

  • 2 large glue sticks

  • pencil sharpener

  • 2 highlighters

  • Pencil crayons

  • Scissors

  • A ruler

  • Disinfecting wipes

  • Personal Kleenex

  • A box of large Ziploc bags

  • Calculator

  • Earphones for laptops

  • Personal Chromebook or laptop



Before students will be permitted to use technology at school, the Responsible Use of Technology Agreement must be filled out, signed and returned to school. Students will soon have access to technology at school (i.e., Chromebooks, ipads) however we strongly encourage students to bring in their own personal tech devices if possible. Although we will be sanitizing school devices between uses, having their own personal device is encouraged to help eliminate the sharing of resources. Students who have a personal chromebook/laptop may bring their device to school to be used for educational purposes. The expectation is that the device is to only be used for educational purposes. The use of personal devices is governed by the Responsible Use of Technology Agreement.

Please label your child’s belongings

Please help us by labelling all of your child’s belongings (yes all of them). Many children have the same brand/colour of boots, shoes, jackets etc. Every year many items go missing and it is nearly impossible to reunite missing items with their owners. All unlabelled items will be placed in the school lost and found (beside the gym entrance). Items that are not claimed are donated to local charities regularly.


Your child has received a personal school agenda. This is an invaluable tool as it is our primary form of communication. We will use it on a daily basis to help develop greater responsibility, ownership, and time management skills. Please sign it daily.

Please make it a priority to check the school website These sites will give you a glimpse of what is going on in our classroom, as well as provide you with important dates, curriculum updates and links that support the curriculum.

Mr. Armstrong’s Website:

Ms. Tomczak’s Website:

Mme. Luchtenberg’s Twitter: @Luchtenberg_K

This year we will all be using Hapara Workspace for all subjects and assignments. We will be reviewing this platform with all students in the first couple of weeks. This will ensure consistency in the delivery of our program in the event of any further school closures.

We look forward to working with you throughout the year to support your child. Please feel free to contact us at any time through your child’s agenda or by phoning the school at 613-692-6164

Your partners in education,

Ms. Maya Tomczak, Mme Karla Luchtenberg and Mr. Lloyd Armstrong