
Learning at Home (Plan of Action) with schedule for each week is posted in Updates on my website. This section of my website will no longer need to be checked for as long as we are Learning at Home until further notice.


6ième année: Le vol

4ième année: Le son et la lumière

Grade 4 Homework: Students are to read their novel"Sonson et le volcan chapter 4 (March 30th). No grey duotang reading this week! Check Hapara with your child for the text pages, the questions and the answers. No written work this week!

Grade 6 Homework: Students are to read their novel"Pas de S pour Copernic" chapter 4 ( March 30th). Check Hapara with your child for the text pages, the questions and the answers. No written work this week!

Grade 4 Oral Presentation "Montre et raconte -Show & Tell" : Students can continue to practice with Screencastify and record themselves talking in French and save those files to be used later.

Homework Philosophy:

Our goal is to have confident speakers in French. We achieve this through everyday Oral Participation and Reading to practise pronunciation of sounds and of everyday language expressions in French. The learning of other subjects - Science, Social Studies, The Arts helps greatly in exposing our students to new and familiar vocabulary in French. One of the KEY tools for successful language learning is consistency.

Our homework philosophy is to:

  1. Maintain consistent exposure to French language
  2. Build and strengthen positive learning strategies and habits
  3. Maximize valuable and authentic learning opportunities
  4. Promote student confidence, motivation, and success!

*Homework will be given on Thursday and picked up the following Monday.

Examples of homework includes :

  • Reading texts in the students' grey duotang =Click on the text: Court récit 1 , Court récit 2 , Court récit 3 .
  • Writing sentences with vocabulary words from the students' plastic bag = Click on the list : La liste de mots
  • Listening to French songs, videos, television programs
  • Speaking / practising learned vocabulary (avoir, être, aimer......

1. Comment tu t'appelles? (What's your name?) Je m'appelle... (My name is ...)

2. En quelle année es-tu? ( In what grade are you?) Je suis en ...année. ( I am in ... grade.)

3. Quelle âge as-tu? ( How old are you? J'ai .... ans.

4. Où habites-tu? (Where do you live?) J'habite à / au .... .

5. Combien de frères as-tu? (How many brothers do you have?) J'ai .... frère. / Je n'ai pas de frère.

6. Combien de soeurs as-tu?(How many sisters do you have?) J'ai .... soeurs. Je n'ai pas de soeur.

7. Quels animaux de compagnie as-tu? (What pets do you have?) J'ai un chien, un chat.... / J'ai aucun animal de compagnie.

8. Qu'est-ce que tu aimes faire? (What do you like to do?) J'aime jouer au ..... / J'aime faire de le - du...

9. Quelle personne es-tu? (What kind of person are you?) Je suis une personne gentille, drôle, créative, sportive,...


1. Puis-j'aller aux toilettes, s'il vous plaît, Mme? (Can I go to the washroom, please Mme?)

2. Puis-je boire de l'eau, s'il vous plaît, Mme? (Can I drink water, please Mme?)

3. Puis - je remplir ma bouteille? (s'il vous plaît, Mme? (Can I fill up my bottle, please Mme?)

4. Je ne sais pas. (I don't know.)

5. Je ne comprend pas. ( I don't understand.)