Leading Ladies


When two Shakespearean actors from England found themselves in York, Pennsylvania, playing shows that no one enjoyed, they needed to find some way, somehow to break the cycle. After discovering a get rich quick scheme where they would pretend to be the missing Max and Steve, children of a recently deceased old lady who had a massive fortune to be inherited, they thought they hit a goldmine. However, it just so happened that their full names were Maxine and Stephanie.


Holly Reeve as Meg Snider

Alec Kyte as Leo Clark

Colin Sweeney as Jack Gable 

Ceilidh Rooney as Audrey 

Zach Fagnou as Reverend Duncan Wooley 

Robin McLellan as Florence Snider 

Sophia Fabiano as Doc Myers 

& Juliana Brazeau as Butch Myers 


Director - Ms Budgell 

Stage Manager - Stephen Donaghy

With special thanks to Ms Martinez, Ms Bolzon, Mr Johnson, Mr Granger, and others.


Article in the Ottawa Citizen

Leading Ladies was nominated for six Cappies.