Community Resources

Crossroads Children's Centre: The Mission of the Crossroads Children’s Centre is to work with children and their families struggling with severe emotional, behavioural and social difficulties. This is accomplished through a wide range of services and targets children up to the age of twelve.

Mental Health Walk In Clinic: Free to parents and children 0-12

The Champlain Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) connects people of all ages with the health and support services they need.

Ottawa Children's Treatment Centre (OCTC): provides bilingual specialized care for those with multiple physical, developmental, and associated behavioural needs, focusing on our region's children and youth

Assistive Technology Program: OCTC's Assistive Technology Program provides specialize technology services for children and youth up to age 19. They support clients and families in obtaining and using technology to meet communication, writing, seating/mobility and educational/recreational needs, so that clients can become more independent, develop their potential, and participate actively in daily life.

Children's Mental Health Ontario: CMHO works to identify and develop solutions to important policy issues affecting the child and youth mental health sector. We represent more than 85 accredited community-based children’s mental health centres that provide treatment and support to children, youth and families. This includes targeted prevention, early intervention, short- and long-term counselling and therapy, and intensive services such as residential care.

Ontario Association for Families of Children with Communication Disorders: work with families and community partners to ensure children have access to effective speech and language services.

Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario: CHEO is a pediatric health and research center providing outstanding family-centered patient care, pioneering breakthrough research, and training the health care professionals of tomorrow.

ABC: Association for Bright Children : ABC is dedicated to providing information, advocacy and support to parents of bright and gifted children and adolescents

Live Work Play: A Canadian charitable organization based in Ottawa that supports a good life for people with intellectual disabilities